Blue perspective##3 (2020) Painting by Giovanni Greco

Enamel on Linen Canvas, 40.9x30.7 in
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Seller Giovanni Greco

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 12 collections
Opera realizzata su tela senza telaio arte astratta, arte informale, arte concettuale Opere originali dell'artista Giovanni Greco - Sono disponibili anche stampe varie misure su supporti vari a richiesta L'opera è munita di Certificato di Deposito secondo la Convenzione di Berna Trattasi di sola tela[...]
Opera realizzata su tela senza telaio

arte astratta, arte informale, arte concettuale
Opere originali dell'artista Giovanni Greco - Sono disponibili anche stampe varie misure su supporti vari a richiesta
L'opera è munita di Certificato di Deposito secondo la Convenzione di Berna

Trattasi di sola tela pertanto la spedizione avverrà in involucro cartone tubolare -

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Automatically translated
Giovanni Greco, a contemporary Italian artist, embarked on his artistic journey after completing his studies. He honed his skills at the Nuked School at the Academy of Fine Arts[...]

Giovanni Greco, a contemporary Italian artist, embarked on his artistic journey after completing his studies. He honed his skills at the Nuked School at the Academy of Fine Arts in Catania, marking the beginning of his painting career in the early 1990s. During these formative years, Greco immersed himself in collaborative efforts with galleries and cultural associations, fostering an environment that fueled his artistic passion and enriched him with the cultural depth necessary for his creative pursuits.

In the early stages of his artistic exploration, Giovanni Greco found inspiration in the art of the 16th and 17th centuries. His fascination with the works of Caravaggio, Poussin, and Flemish masters like van Eyck, Brueghel, and Bosch led him to a meticulous study of their techniques. Driven by a classicist inclination, he delved into Hellenic art, seeking aesthetic perfection and technical mastery to satisfy his unconventional curiosity. This intersection of contemporary and classical painting became a cornerstone in Greco's artistic evolution, prompting a deeper reflection on life and an attempt to interpret the often ineffable "thought" through visual expression.

As Greco's artistic journey unfolded, he delved into metaphysical painting, not merely for stylistic choices but for the profound interest he found in compositional solidity. His works transformed objects, figures, and space into powerful masses defined by dark and mellow chromatic volumes. Within this context, time seemed suspended, and subjects existed in a realm influenced by metaphysical and neoclassical references, creating an unknown world imbued with timeless qualities.

Transitioning from a period of figurative painting that surpassed objective representation, Greco redirected his research towards an analysis of human nature and the essence of things. This shift culminated in the synthesis of a more immediate reality, where gesture, shape, color, and line became emotional elements conveying passions, tensions, and discomforts. This evolution was influenced by the works of influential artists from his hometown, such as Giuseppe De Gregorio, Manlio Bacosi, and Emilio Vedova. Their revolutionary approaches reshaped Greco's perspective on art, self-expression, and emotion.

Giovanni Greco's artistic exploration was further fueled by a fascination with material relationships, whether observed in the surfaces of objects, along city walls, or within the recesses of memory. His focus on structurality and technique became central to his artistic discourse. Greco's commitment to pushing artistic boundaries and exploring the nuances of form, texture, and emotion reflects his enduring passion for the transformative power of art.

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