la casbah (2007) Painting by Gilles Mével


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Art image bank
  • Original Artwork Painting, Acrylic on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 24in, Width 19.7in
  • Categories Fauvism
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acryl sur toile : casbah avec personnage , oasis du sud Marocain

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Gilles Mével is a multidisciplinary artist and traveler. He practices painting, drawing, photography and digital art. A true traveling artist, from 1975, it was the call of travel[...]

Gilles Mével is a multidisciplinary artist and traveler. He practices painting, drawing, photography and digital art.

A true traveling artist, from 1975, it was the call of travel that took him to many countries in Europe and Africa. But it is the West Indies, where he will stay for 3 years, in Haiti then in Guadeloupe, which will deeply mark his work.

He will bring back, inscribed in his palette, a light and colors that make the originality of his work. His unique and sensitive view of the world is imbued with great poetry combined with a sincerity that can only touch us.

Gilles Mével has since 1989 set up his studio on the Quiberon peninsula where he has since exhibited a surprising and inspired vision of Brittany and other traveled horizons. He was born in 1953 in the Paris region. It was as a child that he discovered Brittany and all the richness of its light. From 1972 to 1975, it was the period of higher education at the Beaux-Arts in Paris and Avignon where he learned drawing and sculpture. He has participated in many exhibitions in France and abroad.

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Digital Arts | 19.7x19.7 in
On Request
Acrylic on Canvas | 11.8x11.8 in
Photography | Several sizes
On Request
Photography | Several sizes
On Request


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