Geoffrey Fontaigne Profile Picture

Geoffrey Fontaigne

New York, New York, United States
Artist (Painting)
Born 1975

Geoffrey Fontaigne grew up on the north shore of Long Island to a family grounded in both the arts and sciences. His father (a former engineer) is currently a physical therapist and university professor, while his mother is a musically gifted high-school teacher with master's degrees in both literature and special education. Geoffrey's interest in visual arts began in the late 1970's with an attraction to the French impressionists. Throughout the 1980's, his studies broadened to include the surrealists, minimalists, and other more modern masters. After a preliminary survey of art history, and experimentation with various styles and media, Fontaigne developed his artistic technique under well-known artists such as Jeanne Timko, Mary Lynn Conte-Law and famed illustrator Mark Graham.

At Carnegie Mellon University, Fontaigne's studies advanced his passion for the arts and enhanced his ability to view compositions on multiple levels. Mathematical coursework expanded his ability to distill problems and utilize advanced abstract theories and images in problem-solving. Musical training developed his sensitivities to subtle changes in dynamics, movement, structure, and thematic development. Additional training in gross anatomy, figure drawing, anatomical drawing, and kinematics, honed his existing skills for portraying human interaction. A post-graduate photography apprenticeship with Ron Pretzer refined Fontaigne's eye for light and composition in two-dimensional images.

After a successful five-year career in business and technology, Fontaigne rededicated himself to his artistic passion full-time. Fontaigne is the Director of the School for Drawing and Painting at Haven Art, in Port Washington NY. Geoffrey offers over 20 courses to students age 3 through adult, and currently teaches 15 classes each week. Geoffrey remains committed to arts education. At his exhibitions, he involves students of all ages, and generally sets aside an hour for an interactive question and answer session dedicated to students and parents. He makes regular visits to local schools to foster creative talent and give back to the community.

Geoffrey's artwork can be found in numerous private collections in the U.S. and Europe, and is regularly displayed in solo and group exhibitions. For more information on his upcoming events, click here.

In his free time, Geoffrey enjoys outdoor activities, social functions, museums, art exhibitions, parks, theatre, and various events at Lincoln Center.

Discover contemporary artworks by Geoffrey Fontaigne, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary american artists. Artistic domains: Painting. Account type: Artist , member since 2004 (Country of origin United States). Buy Geoffrey Fontaigne's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Geoffrey Fontaigne. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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