Cherubin : Angels Renaissance Art (2023) Arts numériques par Gerry Martinez

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Vendeur Gerry Martinez

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32,00 $US
129,00 $US
268,00 $US
Résolution maximale: 8064 x 5376 px
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Vendeur Gerry Martinez

  • Ce travail est une "Open Edition" Arts numériques, Giclée / Impression numérique
  • Dimensions Plusieurs tailles disponibles
  • Plusieurs supports disponibles (Papier d'art, Impression sur métal, Impression sur toile)
  • Encadrement Encadrement disponible (Caisse américaine + sous verre, Cadre + sous verre acrylique)
  • État de l'œuvre L'oeuvre est en parfait état
  • Catégories Classicisme Mythologie
Original Art Cherubin : Angels Renaissance Art Short History About Cherubin Painting Cherubin Angels and Their Heartwarming Hugs Throughout history, angels have been regarded as celestial beings of beauty, grace, and compassion. Among these celestial beings, cherubin angels hold a special place in our hearts.[...]
Original Art

Cherubin : Angels Renaissance Art
Short History About Cherubin Painting

Cherubin Angels and Their Heartwarming Hugs

Throughout history, angels have been regarded as celestial beings of beauty, grace, and compassion. Among these celestial beings, cherubin angels hold a special place in our hearts. Cherubin angels, often depicted as adorable and cherubic winged beings, are known for their unique ability to embrace with love and warmth. In this article, we delve into the significance of cherubin angels and the symbolism behind their heartwarming hugs.

The Origin of Cherubin Angels

The concept of cherubin angels can be traced back to ancient religious texts, such as the Bible and other religious scriptures. In Christian and Jewish traditions, cherubim are one of the angelic orders, believed to be positioned close to the divine presence, guarding and protecting sacred spaces. Cherubim are often depicted as winged creatures with a mixture of human, animal, and celestial features.

The Symbolism of Hugging

Hugging is an act that transcends language barriers and cultural differences. It is a universal gesture of love, comfort, and connection. Embracing someone or something signifies acceptance, empathy, and protection. Cherubin angels are often depicted with outstretched arms, inviting individuals into their loving embrace.

The symbolism of cherubin angels hugging holds deep spiritual meaning. Their hugs are said to represent the divine love and compassion of the higher realms, offering solace to those in need. The gentle touch of an angel's hug is believed to heal emotional wounds, offer reassurance, and instill a sense of peace and security.

Hugs Across Different Cultures

The idea of angelic beings and divine hugs is not exclusive to any single religious or cultural tradition. Various belief systems around the world have embraced the concept of celestial beings offering comforting embraces to humanity.

In Hinduism, celestial beings known as Devas share similarities with angels and are often depicted in loving and compassionate acts. In Islamic tradition, there are references to angelic beings who record acts of kindness, symbolizing the connection between the divine and humanity's compassionate deeds.

Similarly, in Eastern and Indigenous cultures, the concept of guardian spirits or beings providing protection and comfort is common. While the terminology and representations may differ, the essence of divine love and support remains constant across cultures.

The Comfort of Angelic Hugs

The idea of cherubin angels hugging brings a sense of comfort and hope to many individuals, especially during challenging times. The belief that benevolent beings are watching over and embracing us in times of distress or sorrow offers solace and strength to face life's trials.

In times of grief and loss, the concept of being held in the arms of a cherubin angel can provide a sense of closure and peace. The belief that our departed loved ones are being embraced by these celestial beings can bring a measure of relief to mourning hearts.

Embracing Unity and Love

The symbolism of cherubin angels hugging extends beyond the individual level. It serves as a reminder of the importance of love, unity, and compassion in our daily lives. Just as these celestial beings offer unconditional hugs to all, we can strive to embody the same spirit of love and empathy towards one another.

In a world often filled with division and conflict, cherubin angels' symbolism serves as a beacon of hope. It encourages us to let go of animosity and embrace one another with open arms, fostering a sense of harmony and oneness.

Cherubin angels and their heartwarming hugs hold a special place in our collective imagination. Beyond religious and cultural boundaries, the idea of celestial beings offering loving embraces resonates with the human need for compassion, comfort, and unity. Whether one believes in their existence or views them as symbolic representations, cherubin angels and their hugs serve as a reminder of the power of love to heal, uplift, and unite us all.

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I'm Gerry Martinez, I'm a digital painting fine artist and landscape fine art photographer from Philippines residing in Spain doing arts in style of photo painting technique and applying texture specially[...]

I'm Gerry Martinez, I'm a digital painting fine artist and landscape fine art photographer from Philippines residing in Spain doing arts in style of photo painting technique and applying texture specially digital renaissance, surrealism and abstract art. I'm also a fine art photographer specially landscape and can do traditional painting as well. I have been doing digital fine arts since when desktop windows become famous. 

 I'm using a 24 screen stylus screen tablet to create and impress people with my fine art, and also a desktop computer. I create Art through digital brush under painting , applying textures , mixed media composition, Ai tools and photography.

My passion for art was born from an early age. I'm fascinated by the impressive romantic details of Renaissance art and surrealism captivated by the works of famous painter like Rembrandt, Michelangelo and Salvador Dali.

With the advancement of digital technology, i found found myself creating beautiful arts. I had spends countless days and hours to discover complicated different techniques exploring the spell charms of art colors and textures.

Here armed with a digital screen tablet and cutting-edge digital art software, I'm inside a journey to explore the realms of sharing, promoting pixel art.

My style seamlessly blends the classic techniques of the Renaissance period with abstract elements, creating a unique and captivating visual experience, Imposing my ability to portray emotions and tell stories through digital brushstrokes.

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