Mister Paul (2022) Painting by Frédérick Meunier

Seller Frédérick Meunier

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  1074 px  

1500 px
Dimensions of the file (px) 1074x1500
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Art image bank
One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
This artwork is framed
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Acrylic on Paper
  • Dimensions 11.8x7.9 in
    Dimensions of the work alone, without framing: Height 11.4in, Width 7.5in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is framed (Frame + Under Glass)
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000 Outsider Art Men portraits
Mister Paul Acrylique sur papier noir épais About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Acrylic Paint using traditional[...]
Mister Paul

Acrylique sur papier noir épais

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Frédérick Meunier was born in 1973 in the Paris region and currently resides near Vannes, in Morbihan. As a self-taught artist, he follows an unconventional path,[...]

Frédérick Meunier was born in 1973 in the Paris region and currently resides near Vannes, in Morbihan. As a self-taught artist, he follows an unconventional path, drawing inspiration from the spontaneity of the moment rather than adhering to traditional artistic circuits.

From a young age, Frédérick has been deeply sensitive and intrigued by the unseen mysteries of the world, particularly fascinated by the concept of time and the unexplained. His exploration of these themes finds expression through various mediums, including sciences and cinema, which serve as powerful conduits for his artistic exploration.

Initially, Frédérick expressed his creativity through writing poetry. However, it wasn't until his forties that he fully embraced his artistic calling, venturing into the realms of glass sculpture and painting. Influenced by the works of Jean Dubuffet, Jean Cocteau, and Robert Combas, he gravitated towards Art Brut, finding resonance in its raw and uninhibited expression.

Frédérick's artistic endeavors primarily revolve around two interconnected worlds: Poetry and Ancient Art. In painting, he predominantly employs acrylic for its versatility and watercolor for its ethereal qualities, allowing him to capture moments of lightness and suspension.

Driven by a wild spirit and an insatiable quest for enlightenment, Frédérick draws inspiration from nature, music, and travel, which serve as essential sources of creativity and discovery. He embraces risks and confronts his emotions to create art that resonates deeply with the soul, imbuing his works with meaning and freedom.

For Frédérick, art transcends boundaries and serves as a universal language that nourishes the soul, heart, and spirit. Through his art, he seeks to transmit, challenge, and elevate, portraying his journey towards greater humanity and understanding. In the endless pursuit of capturing the moment, Frédérick Meunier embodies the essence of artistic expression and exploration.

See more from Frédérick Meunier

View all artworks
Sculpture - Acrylic | 3.9x2 in
Acrylic on Paper | 26.4x30.3 in
Sculpture - Glass | 4.7x4.3 in
On Request
Sculpture - Clay | 6.3x3.5 in
On Request


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