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Fraser Paterson

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Artist (Sculpture)
Born unknown date

Fraser Paterson is a contemporary Canadian sculptor. Fraser is influenced by classical artists like Auguste Rodin and Constantin Brancusi while creating works in stone. He uses chisels, grinders, and rasps to carve the female form from the raw alabaster. The translucent stone bodies with quartz veins running through them resemble an archeological find because they are devoid of heads and limbs. When Fraser focuses his artistic efforts on his sculptures made of cold-rolled steel, he exhibits a humorous conceptual side. His sculptures deal with self-projection, relationships, and self-image; he uses symbolism, scale, and metamorphosis to ask his audience a question rather than provide an answer.

Fraser Paterson was born in Bangor, Wales. He lives and works in Canada, where he graduated from the Ontario College of Art.

Discover contemporary artworks by Fraser Paterson, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary canadian artists. Artistic domains: Sculpture. Account type: Artist , member since 2014 (Country of origin Canada). Buy Fraser Paterson's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Fraser Paterson. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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