surf en Afrique du sud Painting by François Carage

Acrylic on Paper, 12.2x20.1 in
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Seller François Carage

Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 1 collections
  • Original Artwork Painting, Acrylic on Paper
  • Dimensions Height 12.2in, Width 20.1in
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000 Figurative
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acrylique sur papier destinée à être une couverture de Bd (Apartheid )

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François Carage is a complete artist, both painter and photographer, whose work is marked by a search for narration and history through his images. From an early age, he began to paint, then turned to photography[...]

François Carage is a complete artist, both painter and photographer, whose work is marked by a search for narration and history through his images. From an early age, he began to paint, then turned to photography as a student of Jean-Pierre Sudre at ESSAG in Paris. Inspired by the work of Dorothea Lange and Jean-Lou Sieff, he became a professional photographer, specializing in still life and working on major advertising campaigns.

At the same time, François Carage continues his activity as a painter and illustrator. In 1989, he moved to Reunion Island as a painter-muralist, winning several competitions including one for the Stella Matutina museum. His fame grew rapidly, subsequently exhibiting at the black frame gallery in Saint-Denis.

After several years of interior architecture and design, François Carage decides to go around the world in a sailboat. Today, he lives and works in Saint-Leu, on the island of La Réunion. His search for narrative through his works has remained present, and he continues to seek to tell a story through each of his images, faithful to the words that once touched him: "what I like in your photos, is that each of them tells a story". Born in 1949, his artistic career is rich and diversified.

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