"Rescapée" (2024) Painting by Franck.A

Acrylic on Cardboard, 43.3x43.3 in
Price: Free Shipping

Seller Franck.A
Customer's reviews (2)
Shipping from: France (Box or cardboard packaging)
14-day return policy
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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 1 collections
"Rescapée" oeuvre original 110X110 sur carton recyclé « Rescapée » est un hommage à Laura Blajman Kadar rescapée du 7 octobre 2023 son livre "Croire en l’espoir » m’a inspiré cette réalisation … Elle est restée 6 h enfermée dans une caravane. Le miracle d’une poignée porte qui n’a pas cédé sous les coups acharnés des[...]
"Rescapée" oeuvre original 110X110 sur carton recyclé
« Rescapée » est un hommage à Laura Blajman Kadar rescapée du 7 octobre 2023 son livre "Croire en l’espoir » m’a inspiré cette réalisation …
Elle est restée 6 h enfermée dans une caravane. Le miracle d’une poignée porte qui n’a pas cédé sous les coups acharnés des assaillants ...
Elle symbolise cet instant entre l’espoir et l’ horreur.
La lumière dans l’obscurité…

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RescapéeCroire En L'espoirLa Vie

Automatically translated
Franck Attar is a contemporary French artist.[...]

Franck Attar is a contemporary French artist. His artistic journey was profoundly influenced by a pivotal moment in 2012: the Pierre Soulages exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts in Lyon. This encounter with Soulages's work served as a revelation, igniting a spark within Franck and prompting a profound liberation of the spirit. Inspired to delve deeper into the realm of abstract art, Soulages became his spiritual Master, guiding Franck on a path of artistic exploration and self-discovery.

Despite being completely self-taught, Franck embarked on a journey of introspection and experimentation, navigating through years filled with the challenges of creating his own tools, grappling with doubts, experiencing progress, and confronting disappointments. Throughout this tumultuous process, one constant remained: his unwavering need, necessity, and desire to paint.

Franck's artistic expression finds its voice in abstract, informal painting—an approach characterized by spontaneity, intuition, and a rejection of artistic barriers. His canvases serve as a visual diary, drawing inspiration from both the past and his daily experiences, weaving together a collection of abstract poetry that reflects the essence of his life and journey.

In Franck's hands, painting becomes a non-verbal language, a means of exploring the purity and candor of human existence and striving to illuminate it with the light of artistic expression. Each canvas represents a canvas of doubts, questions, and discovery—a testament to Franck's relentless pursuit of truth and beauty through the medium of abstract art.

See more from Franck.A

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