Oeuvres Impréssionistes à vendre

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Peinture intitulée "Let's go to the par…" par Katrin Gergert, Œuvre d'art originale, Huile Monté sur Châssis en bois
Let's go to the party with balloons - Peinture, 15,8x11,8 in ©2022 par Katrin Gergert - Impressionism, impressionism-603, Mode, Balloons, bow, feminine figure, girl with shoes, doggy bag lady, pink balloons, festival, hot pink, pastel shades, bulldog, bright future, impressionism, oilbright future painting, pop art, contemporary art, femininity, girl in a dress, joy, happi, Oil painting on canvas

Katrin Gergert

"Let's go to the party with balloons"

Huile sur Toile | 15,8x11,8 in

1 744 $US
Impressions disponibles


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