Monotypes à vendre (gravure)

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Gravures & estampes intitulée "Landscape with tree…" par Lola Marinn, Œuvre d'art originale, Monotype
Landscape with tree and bird, Chufut-Kale - Gravures & estampes, 10x14,2 in ©2017 par Lola Marinn - Figurative, figurative-594, Paysage, #monotypeart, #oilonpaper, #landscapepainting, #natureart, #modernlandscape, #treesandnature, #peacefulart, #artforsale, #uniqueartpiece, #smallartworks, #artforinteriors, #artwithmeaning

Lola Marinn

"Landscape with tree and bird, Chufut-Kale"

Gravures & estampes sur Papier | 10x14,2 in

172 $US


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