Dessins d'art asiatique à vendre

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Dessin intitulée "Dance of freedom. B…" par Snezhana Denis, Œuvre d'art originale, Acrylique
Dance of freedom. Black&white drawing on paper No. 45 - Dessin, 9,5x12,6 in ©2022 par Snezhana Denis - Calligraphy, calligraphy-210, Asie, small black and white art, small black white abstraction, small black red abstraction, small black yellow abstraction, minimalism abstraction, black white yellow red, small abstraction black red, rt green and black painting, Chinese art abstraction, William de kooning, cy Twombly, japanese art hieroglyphs, hiéroglyphes d'art japonais, Abstraction d'art chinois, art peinture verte et noire, petite abstraction noir rouge, noir blanc jaune rouge, petite abstraction jaune noire

Snezhana Denis

"Dance of freedom. Black&white drawing on paper No. 45"

Acrylique sur Papier | 9,5x12,6 in

376 $US
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Dessin intitulée "Movement for the sa…" par Snezhana Denis, Œuvre d'art originale, Acrylique
Movement for the sake of the future. Black&white No.46 - Dessin, 9,5x12,6 in ©2022 par Snezhana Denis - Calligraphy, calligraphy-210, Asie, small black and white art, small black white abstraction, small black red abstraction, small black yellow abstraction, minimalism abstraction black, white yellow red, small abstraction black red, art green black painting, Chinese art abstraction, William de kooning, Cy Twombly, japanese art hieroglyphs, expressive ink pencil drawing, petit art noir et blanc, petite abstraction blanche, petite abstraction rouge noire, petite abstraction jaune noire, minimalisme abstraction noir, blanc jaune rouge

Snezhana Denis

"Movement for the sake of the future. Black&white No.46"

Acrylique sur Papier | 9,5x12,6 in

342 $US
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Dessin intitulée "Harmony and purity,…" par Snezhana Denis, Œuvre d'art originale, Encre
Harmony and purity, red ink on white. Meditative art N92 - Dessin, 16,5x22,1 in ©2022 par Snezhana Denis - Calligraphy, calligraphy-210, Asie, red and white color, red ink on paper, red ink text on paper, red white minimalistic, red minimalistic drawing, red ink splashes on paper, red stripes on paper, red ink symbols on paper, red text numbers ink on paper, crossed out text on paper, white paper red inscriptions, red japanese ink drawing, red chinese ink drawing, red korean ink inscriptions, red ancient symbols on paper, couleur rouge et blanche, encre rouge sur papier, texte à l'encre rouge, dessin minimaliste rouge, dessin minimaliste rouge

Snezhana Denis

"Harmony and purity, red ink on white. Meditative art N92"

Encre sur Papier | 16,5x22,1 in

590 $US
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