Oeuvres d'art originales sur la dance à vendre

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Peinture intitulée "Ophelia or the flow…" par Lola Marinn, Œuvre d'art originale, Huile
Ophelia or the flower child - Peinture, 51,2x39,4 in ©2020 par Lola Marinn - Figurative, figurative-594, Danse, #intimate oil painting, #ofelia, #raw canvas texture, #unprimed canvas art, #dancingwoman, #hippies, #quiet introspection, #emotional art piece, #Hamlet and Ophelia, #literary character, #unprimed texture, #childofflowers, #vulnerable artwork, #striking body tones, #wall art for living room, #female art, #modern figurative art, #contemporary art, #feminist art

Lola Marinn

"Ophelia or the flower child"

Huile sur Toile de lin | 51,2x39,4 in

870 $US


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