Der geheimnisvolle Blick (2024) Digital Arts by Folker Reinhold Peter Pritsch

Digital Arts, 21.3x15.6 in
Price: Free Shipping
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Ein Porträt einer schönen, zudem sehr geheimnissvollen Frau hat mich zu dieser Collage inspiriert. Zudem noch in einem historischen Gewand gekleidet. Das Aufgreifen von analogen Techniken der Collage sollte diesen Eindruck noch verstärken. Schönheit im Verborgenen! Gehimnissvoll und den Betrachter fesselnd! Die Betonung der Farbigkeit und um[...]
Ein Porträt einer schönen, zudem sehr geheimnissvollen Frau hat mich zu dieser Collage inspiriert. Zudem noch in einem historischen Gewand gekleidet. Das Aufgreifen von analogen Techniken der Collage sollte diesen Eindruck noch verstärken. Schönheit im Verborgenen! Gehimnissvoll und den Betrachter fesselnd!
Die Betonung der Farbigkeit und um dem Bild Struktur zu verleihen, wurden auch hier analoge Techniken der Collage aufgegriffen.
Automatically translated
Folker Reinhold Peter Pritsch is a photographic artist born in 1962 in Berlin, where he still lives today, in the Berlin-Köpenick district. From a young age, he nurtured a burning passion for art and creativity,[...]

Folker Reinhold Peter Pritsch is a photographic artist born in 1962 in Berlin, where he still lives today, in the Berlin-Köpenick district. From a young age, he nurtured a burning passion for art and creativity, exploring various forms of artistic expression.

After graduating from Fachkaufmann für Einkauf/Materialwirtschaft, Folker continued to broaden his horizons by training as a web and graphic designer. This versatility has allowed him to master a variety of techniques, from photography to digital media, painting and drawing.

For Folker, creativity is a true elixir of life. He draws his inspiration from the diversity of the world around him, constantly finding new subjects and new techniques to express his boundless imagination. His artistic vision is imbued with his belief that the world is an inexhaustible source of colors, shapes and surprises, waiting to be captured through his lens or brushes.

Over the years, Folker Reinhold Peter Pritsch has stood out for his innovative approach and his innate sense of aesthetics. His artistic work often evokes a feeling of joy and wonder at the richness of the world around us. Through his works, he invites the viewer to share his enthusiasm for the beauty and diversity of life, thus affirming his place among Berlin's most promising contemporary artists.

See more from Folker Reinhold Peter Pritsch

View all artworks
Photography | 21.3x14.2 in
Digital Arts | 21.7x15.8 in
Digital Arts | 22.4x15.8 in
Photography | 21.3x14.2 in


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