Halaktyrsky beach at sunset (2023) Painting by Evgeniya Polyudova

Oil on Canvas, 31.5x39.4 in
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Seller Evgeniya Polyudova

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Seller Evgeniya Polyudova

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 4 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Oil on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 31.5in, Width 39.4in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000 Impressionism Seascape
It's a little cold. The Pacific Ocean brings its freshness to the shore. The rolling waves are heavy. A gusty wind is blowing. And a pink sunset spread in the sky, coloring the summer evening in bright colors. An extravaganza of juicy colors, from which the eyes never get tired! [...]
It's a little cold. The Pacific Ocean brings its freshness to the shore. The rolling waves are heavy. A gusty wind is blowing. And a pink sunset spread in the sky, coloring the summer evening in bright colors. An extravaganza of juicy colors, from which the eyes never get tired!

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She was born in 1977 in Sim, Chelyabinsk region in a creative family.She received a professional art education at the Art and Graphic Faculty of the Bashkir State Pedagogical University, in Ufa. Active creative[...]

She was born in 1977 in Sim, Chelyabinsk region in a creative family.She received a professional art education at the Art and Graphic Faculty of the Bashkir State Pedagogical University, in Ufa. Active creative activity for 10 years.

There are more than 50 All-Russian and international exhibitions and competitions in the asset. She has held 13 solo exhibitions, including a solo exhibition in 2022 at Domanov Gallery California, Long Beach, California, USA.

In 2018, she won an international exhibition in France at the Domaine de la Groirie gallery in Sarthe, dedicated to the annual Culture au Château program.

In 2022, in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, she opened her own Polyudovaart gallery, where an exhibition of paintings by Evgenia Polyudova works on a permanent basis.

Her works are in private collections in the USA, England, France, Greece, Russia, Ukraine, as well as in the Museum of Local Lore in Severo-Kurilsk, in the Museum of Soviet Life in Ufa, in the Moscow Modern Art Theater.

She lived for 4 years on the Kuril island of Paramushir, actively devoting herself to the plein air. The wild nature of the island, with its active volcanoes, the ocean, influenced the artist's work, as a result of which his own style was formed in the technique of oil painting and impressionism.

Blissful images of a quiet haven of the material world seem to float from the paintings into the viewer's imagination. They remain the unattainable desired, but their visual form can bring peace to consciousness. Water, which fills all living things, as a constant element in paintings, on the one hand, gives a feeling of weightlessness, on the other hand, it becomes an axis of peace and order, an eternal return to the horizon, to balance.

My visual handwriting was formed during my life and active plein-air practice on the Kuril island of Paramushir. Observing and painting the wildlife of the island – active volcanoes, distant ocean – became a defining experience for me.

Landscapes painted in oil technique are intangible images, similar to reflections. The pasty manner of writing in my works creates the effect of distortion in space-time, which fills the distance between the eye and the depicted object. Thus, the image reveals itself as an aura. The paintings do not show a direct imprint of reality, but its aura, which I carry to the viewer.

My painting style goes back to the method of Impressionism. The aura of the work, which carries the memory of the depicted reality, is woven from fleeting impressions, flashes in my perception.

To add memory to the image, I use, among other things, direct artifacts – natural substances mixed into the paint in a natural way.

For example, in all the works of the Kuril series, there is ash from the Ebeko volcano, as they are written in plein-air conditions, due to ash eruptions that occurred very often during the day from the Ebeko volcano at home.

I fill my paintings with nature, let in the breath of the wind, the sound of the ocean surf.

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