L 'été (2022) Painting by Esdez

Oil on Canvas, 23.6x31.9 in
Price: Free Shipping

Seller Esdez
Customer's reviews (5)
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Customer's reviews Excellent
Artists get paid their royalties for each sales

Seller Esdez

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Max resolution: 9567 x 7096 px
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Artists get paid their royalties for each sales

Seller Esdez

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
Série "Les quatres saisons ". L'été, femme nue assise et offerte au soleil au bord d'un ruisseau d'eau vive. About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles [...]
Série "Les quatres saisons ". L'été, femme nue assise et offerte au soleil au bord d'un ruisseau d'eau vive.

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Permanent artist of the Art Fresco Povera Gallery in Sommières (30). Eclectic production in permanent evolution revealing a faceted personality for this painter. His latest works tend towards cubism which will[...]

Permanent artist of the Art Fresco Povera Gallery in Sommières (30). Eclectic production in permanent evolution revealing a faceted personality for this painter. His latest works tend towards cubism which will come to him naturally. One day, he observes a photo where we see the famous sculptor Alberto Giacometti looking tiny next to his huge statues. Fascinated by the contrast of proportions, Esdez was inspired by it and, without even intending to, cast his first cubist work on the canvas, which he would name Giacometti and his creatures. He decides to continue in this artistic movement which allows him to get as close as possible to what he wishes to express through his works. In this way, he can deconstruct the environment, explode the subject, reveal the various facets of a character, show it in all its forms. After having made numerous collections of very personal works, Esdez decided to work on works by great masters by interpreting them in his own way. Always through the cubist process, he thus achieves a more current cutting of the great classics, in particular biblical scenes, to give them a dash of modernity. A way for him to pay tribute to those he has always admired. His cubist paintings are very quickly noticed by specialists in the Art market and the painter then obtains a certificate of listing by an expert approved by the courts. This passionate painter devotes every day to bringing new works to life in his studio. When asked, Esdez does not really know when his passion for drawing dates back, but he is sure of one thing, he will be behind the brushes until the end...

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