Upside Down (2023) Painting by Eric Ruelland

Acrylic on Canvas, 25.6x21.3 in
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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
This artwork appears in 7 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Acrylic on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 25.6in, Width 21.3in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000 Abstract Colorful
Upside down est l'expression de l'harmonie des couleurs choisies par l'artiste dans un contexte inversé à celui des effets de la gravité. Cet antonyme visuel de la gravité nous conduit vers l'enjouement et la clarté. About this artwork: Classification,[...]
Upside down est l'expression de l'harmonie des couleurs choisies par l'artiste dans un contexte inversé à celui des effets de la gravité. Cet antonyme visuel de la gravité nous conduit vers l'enjouement et la clarté.

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Artist represented by Galerie INITIALES
Eric Ruelland, a contemporary French painter, orchestrates his canvases to summon shapes, colors, and materials that converge in a rhythmic dance, offering entry into a distinct[...]

Eric Ruelland, a contemporary French painter, orchestrates his canvases to summon shapes, colors, and materials that converge in a rhythmic dance, offering entry into a distinct and sensitive world. Contemplating the interplay of these elements - balanced or unbalanced - becomes a journey into an alternative realm of perception.

Ruelland's artistic philosophy contemplates the role of chance in painting, where the randomness of brushstrokes creates sprinkles, reliefs, and depth. By introducing materials like paper, sand, or wielding a knife, he intensifies the creative process, fostering interactions among colors that either harmonize or disrupt the equilibrium.

The wellspring of Ruelland's inspiration lies in the exquisite beauty of Parisian stones, marked by the patina of time, weathered and stained golden limestone. His creative muse extends to the skies of Ile-de-France and Languedoc, the textured bark of trees, and the lichen adorning rocks.

Having showcased his works in exhibitions across Paris and New York, Eric Ruelland has established an international clientele. His art has found homes in the United States, France, Denmark, and the Czech Republic, reflecting the global resonance of his distinctive approach to color, form, and chance in the realm of contemporary painting.

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