Picasso at the Altar of Art (2018) Painting by Eric Matranga

Oil on Canvas, 30x24 in
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Seller Eric Matranga

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
This artwork appears in 1 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Oil on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 30in, Width 24in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000 Surrealism Portrait
While landscape is my usual composition, I occasionally do figurative pieces in a somewhat Surrealist approach. Picasso's creativity always impressed me, though there was much of his art I really didn't like. This work was accepted in the Art Show International Gallery's 2022 Portrait Exhibition and received an Honorable Mention Award.[...]
While landscape is my usual composition, I occasionally do figurative pieces in a somewhat Surrealist approach. Picasso's creativity always impressed me, though there was much of his art I really didn't like. This work was accepted in the Art Show International Gallery's 2022 Portrait Exhibition and received an Honorable Mention Award. It was also included in my 2022 Solo Show on the Art Show International website.

Related themes

PicassoSurrealismAltar Of Art

Art has always been a process involving the healing of my inner demons. As a young child, the assassination of JFK left society with deep dark questions that were never asked or answered. Our involvement in[...]

Art has always been a process involving the healing of my inner demons. As a young child, the assassination of JFK left society with deep dark questions that were never asked or answered. Our involvement in Viet Nam likewise involved questions that yielded different answers to different constituencies. Watergate continued the degeneration into the polarized mess we find ourselves in today. We have incrementally continued down a path to collective suicide and madness. Art is and has been my refuge from that world.

I choose to paint the landscape as a unifying influence rather than engage in political art that divides. I spent over twenty years engaged in land use analysis and used technical tools to derive answers rooted in hard, objective truth. Nobody wanted to hear the truth. Americans have become obsessed with getting their way regardless of the consequences. Art allows me to step away from that conundrum.

Art allows to me to present my vision in my way. It will never appeal to all and isn’t intended to. I find the dramatic landscapes of the west full of healing qualities and try to capture and portray those qualities in my paintings. The journey never ends and the process keeps me hopeful.

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