Sans titre 1 - art brut - art contemporain (2019) Painting by Eric Leroy (Rico)


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Seller Eric Leroy (Rico)

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  1235 px  

1500 px
Dimensions of the file (px) 1235x1500
Use worldwide Yes
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Max number of prints 0 (Zero)
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Composition acrylique About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Acrylic Paint using traditional pigments mixed with synthetic resins.
Composition acrylique

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Eric Leroy (Rico) is a multidisciplinary artist and photographer. Her styles change according to her desires. Materials, colors, abstract art, art brut, naive art, figurative art... He likes to search.[...]

Eric Leroy (Rico) is a multidisciplinary artist and photographer. Her styles change according to her desires. Materials, colors, abstract art, art brut, naive art, figurative art... He likes to search. One can also read the influence of Soulage, Basquiat, Giacometti, and many others in his work.

The discovery of new pictorial universes, techniques, mediums fascinate him. He lingers on one track then leaves it for another then he comes back to it, sometimes he mixes them up. Like a traveler, it is always with regret that he leaves a place he loves, but is driven to see other landscapes. Like a traveler, certainly one day, he will put his suitcases in HIS own universe, strengthened by his multiple encounters.

Eric Leroy (Rico) is an artist living and working in France. After two years at the Beaux Arts in Le Mans, he attended the Pivaut school for 3 years in Nantes. After a long professional stint in graphic design, he returned to his first love, painting and drawing.

See more from Eric Leroy (Rico)

View all artworks
Photography | 23.6x23.6 in
Acrylic on Canvas | 16.5x13 in
Photography | 23.6x15.8 in
Ink on Cardboard | 25.6x19.7 in


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