femme au chapeau (2019) Painting by Eric Bourdon

Oil on Canvas, 23.6x23.6 in
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Customer's reviews Excellent
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Seller Eric Bourdon

One of a kind
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 7 collections
woman's face in art deco hat About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Oil Paint consisting of pigments bound with linseed oil or carnations.[...]
woman's face in art deco hat

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Eric Bourdon, a contemporary French painter born in Algeria in 1955, is a self-taught artist who skillfully navigates the intersection between figurative art and the comic strip[...]

Eric Bourdon, a contemporary French painter born in Algeria in 1955, is a self-taught artist who skillfully navigates the intersection between figurative art and the comic strip genre. While he doesn't align himself with any specific artistic school, Bourdon readily acknowledges the influence of painters he admires, including Brueghel, Lempicka, Hokusai, Ramiro Arue, and the iconic comic master, Hugo Pratt.

Bourdon's unique artistic style is situated on the delicate border between figurative and comic strip aesthetics. His works carry a distinctive blend of influences, showcasing a rich tapestry of inspiration drawn from both traditional painting and the dynamic world of comics.

Over the years, Eric Bourdon has earned acclaim and recognition, being the recipient of numerous prestigious awards, including the recent Brouillarta prize in Biarritz in 2019. His artistic prowess extends to regular exhibitions throughout the Basque Country, where he shares his compelling visual narratives with audiences. Represented by esteemed galleries such as "Blue, the gallery" in St Jean de Luz, the "Galeria Fariza" in Bilbao, and the gallery "Veronique Darnault" in Paris, Bourdon's work finds a home in various artistic hubs.

Eric Bourdon's paintings captivate viewers with their unique fusion of influences, demonstrating a masterful command of diverse artistic elements. His ability to traverse the boundaries between genres and eras speaks to the timeless and universal appeal of his creations.

See more from Eric Bourdon

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Ink on Paper | 27.6x19.7 in
On Request
Oil on Paper | 5.5x5.5 in
Oil on Paper | 5.5x5.5 in
Oil on Paper | 5.5x5.5 in


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