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Art History
History of Czech Art
Nov 25, 2023
7 minutes read
 By Czech art history, we mean the entire complex of visual arts that were conceived and subsequently took shape and life in both the Czech Republic itself and in the various states that were part of it in previous centuries, serving as a home to memorable artists who, in the most famous examples, will be explored later.
Art History
Dance in art history
Dec 13, 2021
7 minutes read
Dance, an intense and passionate art form, has been very probably present in all human cultures, in fact, among the first works of art that portray it we find the paintings of ancient Egypt. The representation of this topic has also characterized the most popular artistic currents between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, so that great masters such as, Degas, Renoir, Munch, Toulouse Lautrec, and Matisse have depicted it...
Art History
The history of Spanish art
Aug 7, 2022
7 minutes read
Over the centuries Spain has given birth to some of the world's greatest architects, painters, sculptors and photographers. This richness is due, both to the autonomous Spanish creative flair and to the influence exerted on the Iberian Peninsula by the most important European figurative currents...
Art History
The different histories of Expressionism
Aug 3, 2022
7 minutes read
«Never was there an era more ravaged by despair, horror, death. Never has more sepulchral silence reigned over the world. Never has man been smaller. Never has he been more restless. Never has joy been more absent, and freedom more dead. And here is howling despair: man cries out for his soul, a single cry of anguish rises from our time. Art, too, screams in the darkness, calls for rescue, invokes the spirit: it is Expressionism».
Art History
Cleopatra narrates the history of art
Dec 7, 2022
9 minutes read
Cleopatra (69-30 B.C.E.), Egyptian queen and the last monarch of the Ptolemaic kingdom, is better known for her charms than for her governmental talents, so much so that it was because of her charm, bestowed by her intelligence, personality, and culture, rather than her beauty, that she ascended the throne for the second time...
Art History
The color grey in art history
Sep 11, 2022
8 minutes read
Grey, the typical color of cloudy winter days, of stones unknowingly piled up on beaches, of ancient monuments, of cold clothes worn by workers, of the most varied technological tools, of the iconic Apple apple, and of hair that comes with age, is the result of a particular shade achieved by mixing black and white...
Art History
The Italian landscape in art history
Dec 17, 2021
7 minutes read
Many famous works of art, executed between the Middle Ages and the 16th century, depicted the Italian landscape, just like the masterpieces of Giotto, Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Antonello da Messina, Giorgione, Titian, Piero della Francesca and Leonardo da Vinci. Despite this, this pictorial genre has been configured independently, within the Western art, only from the seventeenth century...
Art History
Lisbon: the city's history illustrated by art
Aug 10, 2022
8 minutes read
Lisbon, Portugal's most important and largest city, situated on seven hills at the mouth of the Tagus River and facing the Atlantic Ocean, has more than 500,000 inhabitants, as well as a history that can be traced back, approximately, as far as 300,000 years ago. In fact, the westernmost capital of continental Europe turns out to be one of the oldest cities in the world, so much so that it would have even been founded by Ulysses...
Art History
The Nativity in the history of art
Dec 20, 2021
7 minutes read
Christmas, or the day celebrating the birth of Jesus, has been immortalized by many famous works of art depicting the Nativity, among which are noteworthy those made by Duccio di Buoninsegna, Giotto, Botticelli, Ghirlandaio, El Greco and Caravaggio. It is important to underline, however, that this theme has also been dealt with in a profane context, such as in the births painted by Chagall and Dali...
Art History
The history of the female nude in paintings
Dec 4, 2022
28 minutes read
The history of female nudity in art is never the same, as different societies and cultures have accepted nude scenes to varying degrees over the centuries and millennia. Indeed, nudity in art reflects the social norms of a given time and place, referring to the ways in which things are represented, indelibly linked to the conception of what is right or wrong to depict...
Art History
Digital art: history, current affairs and critical viewpoint
Sep 18, 2022
7 minutes read
"Art is any form of activity of man as a reproof or exaltation of his inventive talent and expressive capacity." The aforementioned peculiarities also undoubtedly belong to the flair of digital art, despite the fact that, all too often, it has been criticized because, compared to more traditional artistic expressions, it uses technological tools, which, according to the most skeptical, facilitate the realization of artifacts...
Art History
Iconic beauty: the depiction of Venus in the history of art
Nov 30, 2021
7 minutes read
Beauty is an abstract concept, which has often come to life in the works of the greatest artists of all time, but without finding a single form of representation. In fact, the idea of beauty is changeable, since it is subject to the changes of the historical, cultural, economic and social context in which artists found themselves operating. This can be exemplified by the evolution that, over the centuries, has undergone the representation of the goddess of love, Venus...
Art History
The history of Polish art: traditions halfway between Europe and Russia
May 8, 2022
6 minutes read
Polish art, while maintaining its own peculiarities of genre and style, has often reflected the figurative trends expressed by the movements of neighboring countries and continents, such as Russia and Europe. This is due to the fact that, at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Poland did not yet exist as a state, since it was divided between Austria, Russia and Prussia, countries from which it drew obvious artistic contaminations...


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