Original digital art works for sale

185,788 Original artworks, Limited Editions & Prints. Looking[...]

185,788 Original artworks, Limited Editions & Prints.

Looking for Original digital art works for sale?

Explore all styles and all digital art techniques: contemporary art, street art, abstract art, figurative art… Artmajeur caters to all artistic sensibilities and has been celebrating beauty by your side for 20 years with more than 2 million contemporary works of art to discover ... or acquire! Discover works by contemporary artists from around the world to decorate your interior with class! Simple art lover or confirmed collector? Find the favorite canvas or painting that will truly enhance your decoration. Artmajeur offers you original works, limited editions and art prints by the best contemporary artists in the world. On Artmajeur, digital works of art are selected by enthusiasts and experts in the art market. We select for you the original works of trendy, award-winning and recognized artists as well as the new rising values in the field of contemporary art to guide you and help you in your process of buying digital art online.

Discover contemporary Digital Arts on Artmajeur

Contemporary Digital Arts is a fascinating and rapidly evolving field that has revolutionized the way artists create and showcase their work. This type of art encompasses a wide range of mediums, including photography, video, animation, and digital painting. The main supports and materials used in digital art include computers, tablets, projectors, and software programs. What is unique about this type of original artwork is its ability to seamlessly blend traditional art techniques with the latest technological advancements. Digital artists are able to manipulate and transform their work in ways that were once impossible, creating truly stunning and innovative pieces. The possibilities for expression and experimentation are endless, making contemporary Digital Arts an exciting and dynamic field to explore.

Digital Arts,  47.2x31.5 in
Prière Rebelle Digital Arts, 47.2x31.5 in
©2024 Frédéric Font (Chroma)

Origins and History

Contemporary Digital Arts emerged in the mid-20th century as artists began to experiment with computers and technology. The first digital art exhibition was held in 1965, showcasing works created by artists using computer-generated images. In the 1970s and 1980s, the development of personal computers and software led to the democratization of digital art, allowing more artists access to the medium.

Digital Arts,  47.2x31.5 in
Visage Bleu, Œil Rouge Digital Arts, 47.2x31.5 in
©2024 Frédéric Font (Chroma)

Evolutions of theses works in the contemporary art market

Contemporary Digital Arts have undergone a significant evolution in recent years, marked by advancements in technology and increased accessibility to digital tools. This has resulted in a proliferation of diverse digital art forms, such as virtual reality, augmented reality, 3D printing, and interactive installations. These innovative forms of art challenge traditional notions of medium and presentation, blurring boundaries between the physical and virtual worlds. The importance of Digital Arts in the contemporary art market is evident in the increasing demand for digital Artworks by collectors and institutions. As the art world continues to embrace digital technology, the value and significance of Digital Arts are likely to grow, offering new opportunities for artists to explore and innovate in this exciting field.

Digital Arts,  30x30 in
Leipziger Tageslicht Digital Arts, 30x30 in
©2024 Andrew Walaszek

Related Famous Artists

Contemporary Digital Arts has become a popular genre, and there are many artists who specialize in this field. One such artist is Rafael Lozano-Hemmer. He is known for his interactive installations that use technology to create unique experiences. His work often uses sensors and other devices to change the viewer’s perspective and create a sense of wonder.

Another notable artist in this field is Cory Arcangel. He is known for his innovative use of technology, and his work often explores the relationship between humans and machines. His work has been featured in many exhibitions, and he has gained a reputation as one of the leading figures in the contemporary digital art world.

Trevor Paglen is another artist who has made a name for himself in the world of digital art. His work often focuses on issues related to surveillance and privacy, and he uses technology to create thought-provoking installations and sculptures. His work has been exhibited in galleries and museums around the world, and he has gained a reputation as one of the most important artists working in this field today.

Other notable artists in this field include Olia Lialina, Mark Amerika, and Nam June Paik. Each of these artists brings a unique perspective to the world of digital art, and their work has helped to shape the genre in significant ways. Whether they are using technology to create interactive installations or exploring the relationship between humans and machines, these artists are pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the world of contemporary art.

Digital Arts,  51.2x23.2 in
Urban Extract by XaRo UBE003 Digital Arts, 51.2x23.2 in
©2024 Xaro

Notable contemporary Digital Arts

Contemporary Digital Arts have revolutionized the way we perceive art. From pixelated graphics to surrealistic animations, digital arts have pushed the boundaries of creativity and imagination. Here are some well-known contemporary digital arts:

  1. "Everydays: The First 5000 Days" by Beeple (2021) - This artwork is a digital collage of Beeple’s daily digital creations spanning over 13 years. It sold for a whopping $69 million at a Christie’s auction in March 2021, making it the most expensive NFT ever sold.

  2. "The Machine Learning Experiments" by Mario Klingemann (2019) - An interactive installation that uses machine learning algorithms to generate new images. The artwork explores the relationship between humans and machines and how they can collaborate to create art.

  3. "Garden of Emoji Delights" by Carla Gannis (2014) - This digital artwork is a reinterpretation of Hieronymus Bosch’s "The Garden of Earthly Delights" using emojis. It explores the impact of technology on our culture and how emojis, which are now a universal language, have replaced traditional symbols.

  4. "My Boyfriend Came Back From The War" by Olia Lialina (1996) - A pioneering net.art piece that explores the theme of war and its impact on relationships. The artwork consists of a series of images and text that create a fragmented narrative.

  5. "Untitled (Portrait of Ross in L.A.)" by Felix Gonzalez-Torres (1991) - A digital artwork that consists of a pile of candy that viewers are invited to take from. The artwork is a tribute to the artist’s partner who died of AIDS and represents the loss and absence of loved ones.

These artworks showcase the diversity and innovation of contemporary digital arts. From generative art to net.art, digital arts continue to push the boundaries of what is possible.

Most Relevant | Newest

Digital Arts titled "Prière Rebelle" by Frédéric Font (Chroma), Original Artwork, Digital Painting Mounted on Wood Stretcher…
Prière Rebelle - Digital Arts, 47.2x31.5 in ©2024 by Frédéric Font (Chroma) - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Religion, femme, portrait, religion, priere, regard, politique, rouge, sang, poésie

Frédéric Font (Chroma)

"Prière Rebelle"

Digital Arts | 47.2x31.5 in

Digital Arts titled "Urban Extract by Xa…" by Xaro, Original Artwork, 2D Digital Work Mounted on Aluminium
Urban Extract by XaRo UBE003 - Digital Arts, 51.2x23.2 in ©2024 by Xaro - Street Art, street-art-624, Graffiti, orange, street, treet art, pop art, urban, grey, black


"Urban Extract by XaRo UBE003"

Digital Arts | 51.2x23.2 in

Digital Arts titled "Art Collage Poster…" by Alex Loskutov, Original Artwork, Collages
Art Collage Poster Print Philip Anselmo (Pantera) - Digital Arts, 36x48 in ©2024 by Alex Loskutov - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Musicians, alex loskutov art, alex loskutov collages, philip anselmo, pantera music band, heavy metal music, classic rock music

Alex Loskutov

"Art Collage Poster Print Philip Anselmo (Pantera)"

Digital Arts | 36x48 in

Digital Arts titled "variation2" by Nico Vincent, Original Artwork, Digital Painting
variation2 - Digital Arts, 23.6x47.2 in ©2024 by Nico Vincent - Abstract, abstract-570, Colorful, artnumérique, peinturenumérique, digitalart, digtalpainting, opart, abstrait, pouring, ondulations, rétinien, rouge, orange, vert, rose, jaune

Nico Vincent


Digital Arts | 23.6x47.2 in

Digital Arts titled "Variation7" by Nico Vincent, Original Artwork, Digital Painting
Variation7 - Digital Arts, 31.5x47.2 in ©2024 by Nico Vincent - Abstract, abstract-570, Colorful, art numérique, peinture numérique, digital art, digital painting, abstrait, opart, rouge, jaune, vert, bleu, gris, blanc

Nico Vincent


Digital Arts | 31.5x47.2 in

Digital Arts titled "Untitled 2024-07-03" by Stefan Fransson, Original Artwork, 2D Digital Work
Untitled 2024-07-03 - Digital Arts, 19.7x19.7 in ©2024 by Stefan Fransson - Abstract, abstract-570, Geometric, water, depth, water lillies, space, desktop

Stefan Fransson

"Untitled 2024-07-03"

Digital Arts | 19.7x19.7 in

Digital Arts titled "Variation9" by Nico Vincent, Original Artwork, Digital Painting
Variation9 - Digital Arts, 31.5x47.2 in ©2024 by Nico Vincent - Abstract, abstract-570, Colorful, art numérique, peinture numérique, digital art, digital painting, bleu, turquoise, rouge, jaune, abstrait, ondulations, vagues, vibrations, aquatique

Nico Vincent


Digital Arts | 31.5x47.2 in

Digital Arts titled "240726 regard sur a…" by Edith Donc, Original Artwork, Digital Painting
240726 regard sur artrage - Digital Arts, 7.1x11.4 in ©2024 by Edith Donc - Outsider Art, outsider-art-1044, Portrait, Art Rage, art digital, art numérique, outsider art, edith donc

Edith Donc

"240726 regard sur artrage"

Digital Arts | 7.1x11.4 in

Digital Arts titled "La jarre, automne n…" by Contramirale, Original Artwork, AI generated image Mounted on Aluminium
La jarre, automne n°2 - Digital Arts, 15.8x15.8 in ©2024 by Contramirale -


"La jarre, automne n°2"

Digital Arts | 15.8x15.8 in

Digital Arts titled "Rouge Éclat" by Frédéric Font (Chroma), Original Artwork, Digital Painting Mounted on Wood Stretcher fr…
Rouge Éclat - Digital Arts, 47.2x23.6 in ©2024 by Frédéric Font (Chroma) - Figurative, figurative-594, Women Portraits, portait, femme, visage, regard, sensualité, bouche, noir, rouge, amour

Frédéric Font (Chroma)

"Rouge Éclat"

Digital Arts | 47.2x23.6 in

Digital Arts titled "Tree in yellow rape…" by Gerald Berghammer, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
Tree in yellow rapeseed Field, Austria - Digital Arts, 23.6x42.1 in ©2023 by Gerald Berghammer - Minimalism, minimalism-606, sky, scenery, nature, tree, meadow, field, landscape, horizon, grassland, color, silverfineart, gerald berghammer, minimalism, fine art, print for sale, online art

Gerald Berghammer

"Tree in yellow rapeseed Field, Austria"

Digital Arts | 23.6x42.1 in

Digital Arts titled "Rêverie Azur" by Frédéric Font (Chroma), Original Artwork, Digital Painting Mounted on Wood Stretcher f…
Rêverie Azur - Digital Arts, 31.5x31.5 in ©2024 by Frédéric Font (Chroma) - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Women Portraits, portrait, visage, femme, fille, sexy, glamour, regard, plage, mer, océan, nature, soleil, lumière, chaud, vacances

Frédéric Font (Chroma)

"Rêverie Azur"

Digital Arts | 31.5x31.5 in

Digital Arts titled "Visage Bleu, Œil Ro…" by Frédéric Font (Chroma), Original Artwork, Digital Painting Mounted on Wood Str…
Visage Bleu, Œil Rouge - Digital Arts, 47.2x31.5 in ©2024 by Frédéric Font (Chroma) - Figurative, figurative-594, Women Portraits, femme, portrait, regard, chaleur, contraste, sensualité, réflexion, poésie, fille

Frédéric Font (Chroma)

"Visage Bleu, Œil Rouge"

Digital Arts | 47.2x31.5 in

Digital Arts titled "variation6" by Nico Vincent, Original Artwork, Digital Painting
variation6 - Digital Arts, 39.4x39.4 in ©2024 by Nico Vincent - Abstract, abstract-570, Colorful, art numérique, peinture numérique, digital art, digital painting, opart, abstrait, pointillisme, ondulations, vibrations, rose, rouge, vert, jaune, orange, bleu

Nico Vincent


Digital Arts | 39.4x39.4 in

Digital Arts titled "Island in yellow Wa…" by Gerald Berghammer, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
Island in yellow Water Study 1, Norway - Digital Arts, 31.5x47.2 in ©2024 by Gerald Berghammer - Minimalism, minimalism-606, Landscape, island, norway, gerald berghammer, long exposure, fine art, color photography, large format, art for sale, lake, seascape, tree, color, cloudy

Gerald Berghammer

"Island in yellow Water Study 1, Norway"

Digital Arts | 31.5x47.2 in

Digital Arts titled "Snoopy et Woodstock…" by Benny Arte, Original Artwork, Screenprinting
Snoopy et Woodstock : L'Île du Phare sous l'Orage Éperdu - Digital Arts, 23.6x23.6 in ©2023 by Benny Arte - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Cartoon, snoopy, mer, ocean, phare

Benny Arte

"Snoopy et Woodstock : L'Île du Phare sous l'Orage Éperdu"

Digital Arts | 23.6x23.6 in

Digital Arts titled "variation5" by Nico Vincent, Original Artwork, Digital Painting
variation5 - Digital Arts, 31.5x47.2 in ©2024 by Nico Vincent - Abstract, abstract-570, Colorful, art numérique, peinture numérique, digital art, digital painting, abstrait, pointillisme, ondulation, retinien, vert, rouge, bleu, rose, noir, mauve

Nico Vincent


Digital Arts | 31.5x47.2 in

Digital Arts titled "Couronnes Mortelles…" by Anki, Original Artwork, AI generated image Mounted on Aluminium
Couronnes Mortelles : L'Ironie Royale du Street Art - Digital Arts, 39.4x39.4 in ©2024 by Anki - Street Art, street-art-624, Graffiti, art numérique, fine art, digital, art, unique, basquiat, banksy, ooriginale, urbain, graffiti, plexiglas, aluminium


"Couronnes Mortelles : L'Ironie Royale du Street Art"

Digital Arts | 39.4x39.4 in

Digital Arts titled "Les trois Moires" by Lionel Morateur, Original Artwork, Digital Painting
Les trois Moires - Digital Arts, 29.9x22.1 in ©2024 by Lionel Morateur - Expressionism, expressionism-591, Spirituality, femmes, porte, surrealisme, outsider art, art singulier, mythologie, destin, Parques, Moires

Lionel Morateur

"Les trois Moires"

Digital Arts | 29.9x22.1 in

Digital Arts titled "Vini JR." by Fournier, Original Artwork, Digital Collage
Vini JR. - Digital Arts, 15.8x11.8 in ©2024 by Fournier -


"Vini JR."

Digital Arts | 15.8x11.8 in

Digital Arts titled "La Vision Éthérée d…" by Anki, Original Artwork, AI generated image Mounted on Aluminium
La Vision Éthérée de l'Âme Féminine - Digital Arts, 31.5x31.5 in ©2024 by Anki - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Women Portraits, portrait de femme, fine art, femme, digital art, art numérique, oeuvre d'art, unique, originale, anki, ia, urbain


"La Vision Éthérée de l'Âme Féminine"

Digital Arts | 31.5x31.5 in

Digital Arts titled "Variation10" by Nico Vincent, Original Artwork, Digital Collage
Variation10 - Digital Arts, 31.5x47.2 in ©2024 by Nico Vincent - Abstract, abstract-570, Colorful, art numérique, peinture numérique, digital art, digital painting, abstrait, ondes, fréquences, retinien, effet visuel, orange, jaune, rouge, beige

Nico Vincent


Digital Arts | 31.5x47.2 in

Digital Arts titled "Viagem ao Inconscie…" by Garfield Tusset, Original Artwork, Digital Painting
Viagem ao Inconsciente - Digital Arts, 23.6x43.3 in ©2024 by Garfield Tusset - Naive Art, naive-art-948, Beach, Surrealismo, ArtNaïf, JungleDogs, ArteSurrealista, ArteBrasileira

Garfield Tusset

"Viagem ao Inconsciente"

Digital Arts | 23.6x43.3 in

Digital Arts titled "Rebelle Lisa : Une…" by Frédéric Font (Chroma), Original Artwork, Digital Painting Mounted on Wood Stre…
Rebelle Lisa : Une Joconde Déjantée - Digital Arts, 31.5x31.5 in ©2024 by Frédéric Font (Chroma) - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Celebrity Portraits, joconde, portrait, mona lisa, vinci, regard, visage, femme, fille, tatouage, punk, rock

Frédéric Font (Chroma)

"Rebelle Lisa : Une Joconde Déjantée"

Digital Arts | 31.5x31.5 in

Digital Arts titled "Leipziger Tageslicht" by Andrew Walaszek, Original Artwork, Digital Painting Mounted on Wood Stretcher…
Leipziger Tageslicht - Digital Arts, 30x30 in ©2024 by Andrew Walaszek - Abstract, abstract-570, Landscape, Leipzig, daylight, earth, rust, cement

Andrew Walaszek

"Leipziger Tageslicht"

Digital Arts | 30x30 in

On Request
Digital Arts titled "Sunset Inside" by Andrew Walaszek, Original Artwork, Digital Painting Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
Sunset Inside - Digital Arts, 36x36 in ©2024 by Andrew Walaszek - Abstract, abstract-570, Abstract, ship, hole, sunset, ocean, red, black, white

Andrew Walaszek

"Sunset Inside"

Digital Arts | 36x36 in

Digital Arts titled "Beauté Céleste" by Anki, Original Artwork, AI generated image Mounted on Aluminium
Beauté Céleste - Digital Arts, 31.5x31.5 in ©2024 by Anki - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Women Portraits, fine art, art numérique, digital art, mode, photo, oeuvres d'art, tableau mural, art, aluminium, plexiglas, anki, ia


"Beauté Céleste"

Digital Arts | 31.5x31.5 in

Digital Arts titled "variation11" by Nico Vincent, Original Artwork, Digital Painting
variation11 - Digital Arts, 31.5x47.2 in ©2024 by Nico Vincent - Abstract, abstract-570, Colorful, art numérique, peinture numérique, digital art, digital painting, vert, orange, rouge, jaune, abstrait, ondes, fréquences

Nico Vincent


Digital Arts | 31.5x47.2 in

Digital Arts titled "Café des Masques :…" by Frédéric Font (Chroma), Original Artwork, Digital Painting Mounted on Wood Stre…
Café des Masques : Le Joker et ses Acolytes - Digital Arts, 15.8x15.8 in ©2024 by Frédéric Font (Chroma) - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Cinema, joker, batman, bistrot, bar, café, relax, vermeer, portrait, regard, scene de vie, film, animé, bd

Frédéric Font (Chroma)

"Café des Masques : Le Joker et ses Acolytes"

Digital Arts | 15.8x15.8 in

Digital Arts titled "THE GIRL TASTING OY…" by Maria Tuzhilkina, Original Artwork, Digital Painting Mounted on Wood Stretcher…
THE GIRL TASTING OYSTERS - Digital Arts, 31.5x31.5 in ©2024 by Maria Tuzhilkina - Cubism, cubism-582, Still life, large print, giclee print, oysters, oysters and lemon, red manicure, yellow, Brown hair, restaurant, living room, dining room, White background, seafood

Maria Tuzhilkina


Digital Arts | 31.5x31.5 in

Digital Arts titled "MIAMI BEACH, LIFEGU…" by Aleksey Gorbenko, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
MIAMI BEACH, LIFEGUARD STATION, 13 STREET - Digital Arts, 39x58.5 in ©2023 by Aleksey Gorbenko - Land Art, land-art-957, Beach

Aleksey Gorbenko


Digital Arts | 39x58.5 in

Digital Arts titled "Untitled 2024-06-17" by Stefan Fransson, Original Artwork, 2D Digital Work
Untitled 2024-06-17 - Digital Arts, 16.5x23.2 in ©2024 by Stefan Fransson - Abstract, abstract-570, Countryside, water, leafs, palants, road, cars

Stefan Fransson

"Untitled 2024-06-17"

Digital Arts | 16.5x23.2 in

Digital Arts titled "Exploratrice des Mo…" by Anki, Original Artwork, AI generated image Mounted on Aluminium
Exploratrice des Mondes Oniriques - Digital Arts, 31.5x31.5 in ©2024 by Anki - Surrealism, surrealism-627, Women Portraits, fine art, art numérique, surréalisme, digital art, femme, portrait, unique, original, urbain, photo, anki, art, tableau, plexiglas, aluminium, oeuvres d'art, achat en ligne


"Exploratrice des Mondes Oniriques"

Digital Arts | 31.5x31.5 in

Digital Arts titled "Regard Enigmatique" by Frédéric Font (Chroma), Original Artwork, Digital Painting Mounted on Wood Stret…
Regard Enigmatique - Digital Arts, 31.5x31.5 in ©2024 by Frédéric Font (Chroma) - Figurative, figurative-594, Women Portraits, femme, regard, abstrait, portrait, fusain, oeil, visage, emotion, souffrance, fille

Frédéric Font (Chroma)

"Regard Enigmatique"

Digital Arts | 31.5x31.5 in

Digital Arts titled "Éclat Pop" by Frédéric Font (Chroma), Original Artwork, Digital Painting Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
Éclat Pop - Digital Arts, 47.2x31.5 in ©2024 by Frédéric Font (Chroma) - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Women Portraits, femme, portrait, visage, pop, negatif, regard, sensualité, unique, fille

Frédéric Font (Chroma)

"Éclat Pop"

Digital Arts | 47.2x31.5 in

Digital Arts titled "Singe de Luxe L'Exp…" by Frédéric Font (Chroma), Original Artwork, Digital Painting Mounted on Wood Str…
Singe de Luxe L'Explosion NFT de Peter Bagge x Louis Vuitton - Digital Arts, 31.5x31.5 in ©2024 by Frédéric Font (Chroma) - Pop Art, pop-art-615, Animal, singe, portrait, nft, regard, louis vuitton, luxe, richesse, gorille, crypto, bitcoin

Frédéric Font (Chroma)

"Singe de Luxe L'Explosion NFT de Peter Bagge x Louis Vuitton"

Digital Arts | 31.5x31.5 in



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