Emma Cownie Profile Picture

Emma Cownie

Artist (Painting, Photography)
Born 1967
Donegal and Derry landscape artist.

Born in Hereford, educated in Cardiff and London, I am a professional contemporary artist, working mostly in oil and acrylics. I am based in Donegal, Ireland and Derry, NI.  

I originally trained as a professional Medieval Historian and then worked in Secondary Education for almost two decades until my life took an unexpected turn. On 29th February 2012 I was involved in a car accident which led to me developing  PTSD and having a breakdown. My emotional recovery was long and exhausting and is still ongoing. Art was an essential part of that process and still is. I have been a professional artist since 2013, part-time until the summer 2016 when I became a full-time professional artist.

I paint most days.  My work focuses on light and colour, whether I paint rural landscapes, urban streets, seascapes or figurative work. I like to paint people walking around in their everyday lives, painting moods, anticipations, and atmospheres, trying to express presence and pathos. I notice things that others miss. I am fascinated by details and relationships.

In my work, I am drawn to light and shadows and how they shape our emotions. I remember visiting the South of France as a teenager and being mesmerized by the dazzling light, I have been attempting to capture that excitement about light in my paintings ever since. I aim to make people look at the ordinary and see the extraordinary beauty in it.

Discover contemporary artworks by Emma Cownie, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary british artists. Artistic domains: Painting, Photography. Account type: Artist , member since 2013 (Country of origin United Kingdom). Buy Emma Cownie's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Emma Cownie. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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6 artworks by Emma Cownie (Selection)

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Photography • 6 artworks

Photography of Ireland, featuring the City of Derry and County Donegal.
Photography titled "The Doors of Derry…" by Emma Cownie, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
The Doors of Derry #4 - Photography ©2023 by Emma Cownie - Illustration, illustration-600, Architecture, Londonderry, Georgian, Architecture, Colourful, Doors, Doorways, Ireland, Northern Ireland
"The Doors of Derry #4"

Photography | Several sizes

Available from $42.98
Photography titled "The Doors of Derry…" by Emma Cownie, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
The Doors of Derry #2 - Photography ©2023 by Emma Cownie - Illustration, illustration-600, Architecture, Doors, Derry, Londonderry, Georgian, Architecture
"The Doors of Derry #2"

Photography | Several sizes

Available from $42.98
Photography titled "The Red Doors of De…" by Emma Cownie, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
The Red Doors of Derry - Photography ©2023 by Emma Cownie - Illustration, illustration-600, Architecture, Londonderry, Architecture, Northern Ireland, Georgian Architecture, Doorways, Ireland
"The Red Doors of Derry"

Photography | Several sizes

Available from $42.98
Photography titled "The Doors of Derry" by Emma Cownie, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
The Doors of Derry - Photography ©2023 by Emma Cownie - Illustration, illustration-600, Architecture, Derry, Door, Architecture
"The Doors of Derry"

Photography | Several sizes

Available from $42.98
Photography titled "The Green Doors of…" by Emma Cownie, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
The Green Doors of Derry - Photography ©2023 by Emma Cownie - Illustration, illustration-600, Architecture, Derry Londonderry, Georgian, Architecture, Northern Ireland, Georgian City
"The Green Doors of Derry"

Photography | Several sizes

Available from $42.98
Photography titled "The Doors of Derry…" by Emma Cownie, Original Artwork, Digital Photography
The Doors of Derry #3 - Photography ©2023 by Emma Cownie - Illustration, illustration-600, Derry, Londonderry, Door, Doors, Colourful, Irish, Ireland, Georgian
"The Doors of Derry #3"

Photography | Several sizes

Available from $42.98
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