Love letter (2019) 絵画 Eliza Matica によって

キャンバスのオイル, 25.2x33.1 in

販売者 Eliza Matica
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ファインアート紙, 8x11 in

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  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 絵画, キャンバスの オイル
  • 寸法 29.1x37 in
    フレーミングなしの作品のみの寸法: 高さ 25.2in, 幅 33.1in
  • フレーミング この作品は額装されている
  • カテゴリ 絵画 $5,000未満 コンセプチュアルアート
Love letter. Oil on canvas 2019 First time presented at my personal exhibition "Rage", 12.12.2019. About this exhibition : …I am reduced to a thing that wants Virginia. I composed a beautiful letter to you in the sleepless nightmare hours of the night, and[...]
Love letter. Oil on canvas 2019
First time presented at my personal exhibition "Rage", 12.12.2019.
About this exhibition :

…I am reduced to a thing that wants Virginia. I composed a beautiful letter to you in the sleepless nightmare hours of the night, and it has all gone: I just miss you, in a quite simple desperate human way. You, with all your undumb letters, would never write so elementary a phrase as that; perhaps you wouldn’t even feel it. And yet I believe you’ll be sensible of a little gap. But you’d clothe it in so exquisite a phrase that it should lose a little of its reality. Whereas with me it is quite stark: I miss you even more than I could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal. So this letter is really just a squeal of pain. It is incredible how essential to me you have become. I suppose you are accustomed to people saying these things. Damn you, spoilt creature; I shan’t make you love me any more by giving myself away like this — But oh my dear, I can’t be clever and stand-offish with you: I love you too much for that. Too truly. You have no idea how stand-offish I can be with people I don’t love. I have brought it to a fine art. But you have broken down my defenses. And I don’t really resent it.
English poet Vita Sackville-West to Virginia Woolf


LoveLove LetterWordsPoemSuffer

Born. Education. Master in philosophy. Back to school. Master in Psychology. Work. Psychotherapist. Painter . We will see... 2018-2019[...]

Born. Education. Master in philosophy. Back to school. Master in Psychology. Work. Psychotherapist. Painter. We will see...

2018-2019 Postwar Abstract Painting MoMA   New York,New York,                                      United States                                                            
2001-2005 Master Degree in Psychology Bucharest, Romania
1994-1999 Master Degree Philosophy Bucharest, Romania

All my paintings have in common a mental reality, not a physical one.
I am against painting that is based only on observation and theory, painting as if done by robot, painting that has the safety net of theories in painting.
I want to explain what and how I paint, I will define it as a relationship between a mode of observation (internal and external) and a way of expressing it. This is the answer for which some works need to express the idea of figurative, others go to abstract or symbols and each one needs a different way to be realized.
I do not paint a landscape, idea, theme, in an established pictorial way, I do not follow the theories and clearly established criteria. Depending on the psychological state of what I want to express, then I use one of many modes of expression in painting.
In painting you can use color and size not only according to the physical reality, but also according to the mental reality. I am convinced that everyone had the surprise to find and find in places that have a different outline and other physical and emotional dimensions. After a while, longer or shorter, the fountain from which the water once drank changed its size.
I do not paint with the same emotion, but under an emotional complex, this is why some works are intuitive, others are strongly rationalized.

In each paper I had to tolerate the uncertainty, not knowing where the idea goes, to change the way the subject is played. There were quick endings, but there were also roads that closed and I had to resume and investigate what I want and I like the search.
I tried to formulate what happens when I stand in front of a canvas, without exposing all the "cognitive maneuvers", the interpretation is left to those who regard, the benefit is both.
This is what those who have already started digesting my paintings from the three years since I woke up in painting know this.
So let's see outside what is not foreign to us inside!

Eliza Maticaからもっと見る

キャンバスのアクリル | 31.1x23.2 in
キャンバスのオイル | 27.6x19.7 in
キャンバスのオイル | 46.1x53.9 in
キャンバスのオイル | 30.7x23.2 in

