Silvestre 37 (2023) Painting by Elena Barón

Acrylic on Canvas, 27.6x19.7 in
$1,123.1   $956.47
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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Acrylic on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 27.6in, Width 19.7in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000 Expressionism Flower
Semi-abstract and expressionist work. Acrylic on canvas, stretched on a wooden frame. Finished with microsphere gel, giving it a wet and dewdrop effect. The nuances of the work change depending on the exposure to light and the position of the viewer (with transparent reflections and almost magical shine). With textures and reliefs. Painted[...]
Semi-abstract and expressionist work. Acrylic on canvas, stretched on a wooden frame.
Finished with microsphere gel, giving it a wet and dewdrop effect. The nuances of the work change depending on the exposure to light and the position of the viewer (with transparent reflections and almost magical shine).
With textures and reliefs. Painted sides. It is not necessary to frame the painting.

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Painter, sculptor and photographer. Elena Barón is an exciting and talented artist who has exhibited her works in numerous national and international exhibitions, such as the emblematic Kursaal Palace in San[...]

Painter, sculptor and photographer. Elena Barón is an exciting and talented artist who has exhibited her works in numerous national and international exhibitions, such as the emblematic Kursaal Palace in San Sebastián or House Hamptons, Mitchell Lane Bridgehampton in New York.

She studied Fine Arts in Seville, then Engineering (which allowed her to have great knowledge of materials and structural aspects), years later she also studied Design in Madrid.

Seeking to go beyond academic expectations and interpretations of art, she creates works that touch her soul and capture her creative freedom. From abstract compositions to serene and rich landscapes, Barón's work is versatile and harmonious.

Her pieces have a great richness of plastic. Barón constantly investigates with a multitude of materials such as marble dust, sand, recycled materials, organic matter, clays and resins, which he applies to his works, providing tactile as well as visual emotions, with large reliefs and sculptural textures, which give them a strong expressiveness.

Her main source of inspiration is her love for nature, ecology and commitment to the environment.

Her work is found in private collections in Spain, France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, the United States, Italy, Switzerland, Mexico, Japan, South Korea and China, among others.

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