CREATION (2022) Painting by Ekaterina Ivanova

Acrylic on Linen Canvas, 78.7x39.4 in
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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Acrylic / Oil on Linen Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 78.7in, Width 39.4in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $20,000 Abstract Abstract
A universal form that will never be the same or repeatable. You can never predict it. The union of all forms of spirit: energy, flesh..... Then birth and life. How Heaven creates us in human form. For what purpose? Look at the adults and children in the painting. How many do you see? One of them is just about to begin his life's journey. Just[...]
A universal form that will never be the same or repeatable. You can never predict it. The union of all forms of spirit: energy, flesh..... Then birth and life. How Heaven creates us in human form. For what purpose? Look at the adults and children in the painting. How many do you see? One of them is just about to begin his life's journey. Just imagine.

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Artist represented by LK Business Consulting
“It happened like an obsession and took me by surprise. Like a powerful summer rain that suddenly comes pouring down in a waterfall at the very moment when there is no umbrella at hand and nowhere to take cover.[...]

“It happened like an obsession and took me by surprise. Like a powerful summer rain that suddenly comes pouring down in a waterfall at the very moment when there is no umbrella at hand and nowhere to take cover. But I did not want to take cover and accepted this unexpected “downpour” as a gift from above and have been enjoying it from that moment until now.

My hands reached for colours for the first time when I was 39 years old. At first it was timid attempts, trying out light and shadows. Gradually I began to understand and accept with my whole being what I was doing, who or what I was visualising on the canvas. Obeying an irresistible attraction, the first bright colours appeared, then texture, and the paintings became tangible. I fell in love with the unforgettable sensation of my fingers touching the worlds I was creating. Then the worlds began to take on names and energy. Power and love.

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