Some Things are Impossible? (2023) コラージュ Donald Mcleman によって

ウッドのコラージュ, 11x14 in
プライス: 送料無料
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お客様のレビュー 優れた

販売者 Donald Mcleman



最大解像度: 1800 x 1431 px

販売者 Donald Mcleman

Collage of vintage paper with a border of distressed floral paper from the 19th century. The dates range from the last two centuries up to the 1960s. The blue shield and light blue paper come from a pounds-and-shilling chequebook from the Bank of Scotland. The picture shows you can look for a bigger sky and bigger answers. There is a[...]
Collage of vintage paper with a border of distressed floral paper from the 19th century. The dates range from the last two centuries up to the 1960s. The blue shield and light blue paper come from a pounds-and-shilling chequebook from the Bank of Scotland.

The picture shows you can look for a bigger sky and bigger answers. There is a strong uplifting dynamic complete with flowers and flourishes. Some people see birds or an angel.

The collage has been created on a cradled wood panel and treated to archival standards to preserve the colours of the paper. The wood has been sealed with Golden GAC 100, the paper coated on both sides with Golden soft gel medium and the picture given a final layer of protection with Golden UV matte varnish.

The collage wraps over the sides of the wood panel and requires no frame. The picture has been wired and is ready to hang. Signed on the reverse with description and title.



I am a mixed media artist born and raised in a small fishing village in the north of Scotland. I began as a professional photographer and ranged over other design roles in the real world and on the internet.[...]

I am a mixed media artist born and raised in a small fishing village in the north of Scotland. I began as a professional photographer and ranged over other design roles in the real world and on the internet. Now my time is filled with rough paper collages and expressive mark-making. These pictures open up naive explorations of unlikely compositions and fleeting reactions, worked out with instinct and emotional thrusts. My technique juggles unforeseen juxtapositions with broken fragments, the whole coming together to achieve a precarious but satisfying complexity. The question of balance is always present. The torn and faded materials reflect the passage of time alongside a view of an imperfect humanity.

My influences may not be apparent… I keep coming back to Cézanne and Matisse.

All these works are made to archival standards on sealed wood. The paper is coated on both sides with Golden soft gel medium to preserve the colours and protected with UV varnish.

Donald Mclemanからもっと見る

ウッドのコラージュ | 20x16 in
ウッドのコラージュ | 10x8 in
キャンバスのコラージュ | 8x10 in
その他の素材のコラージュ | 5x8 in

