il rapper (2013) Painting by Domenico Ventura

Fine art paper, 8x9 in

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  1254 px  

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Art image bank
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Oil on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 19.7in, Width 27.6in
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Figurative Religion
About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Oil Paint consisting of pigments bound with linseed oil or carnations. The traditional technique consists[...]

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Domenico Ventura (1942-2021) was a contemporary Italian painter. Ventura's early education was deeply rooted in the Franciscan College of the Conventual Friars Minor. His artistic[...]

Domenico Ventura (1942-2021) was a contemporary Italian painter. Ventura's early education was deeply rooted in the Franciscan College of the Conventual Friars Minor. His artistic talents soon became apparent, leading him to enroll at the Art Institute in Bari, where he diligently pursued his passion for the visual arts. It was during this time that he found a benefactor in the form of Don Salvatore Maggi, who recognized Ventura's potential and supported him financially through his studies. In 1964, he earned his diploma from the Art Institute, a testament to his dedication and talent.

Continuing his artistic pursuits, Ventura then enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples, where he had the privilege of studying under the guidance of Giovanni Brancaccio, a noted set designer who had worked with the De Filippo brothers. During this time, he also formed an artistic partnership with the teaching assistant, Michele de Palma, who hailed from the same region of Puglia.

In 1965, Ventura, still in his early twenties, showcased his work in a collective exhibition titled "Del pendio" near Corato, a testament to his growing reputation as an artist. Notable figures in the art world, including painter Francesco Speranza, Roberto De Robertis, Domenico Purificazione, and art critic Pietro Marino, were part of the jury. The following year, Ventura held his first solo exhibition in his hometown, Altamura, at the "De Palma" University Association. This event featured 14 of his works and marked the beginning of his journey as a solo artist.

However, 1968 brought a setback in his academic career when he faced repercussions for participating in student demonstrations, ultimately leading to his rejection from the entire course. Ventura's career continued to flourish, and in 1970, he set up his atelier in Via Cairoli in Altamura. He actively participated in local cultural events and exhibitions, contributing to the artistic vibrancy of his community.

Over the years, Ventura's art continued to evolve, and his exhibitions took place in different cities, both in Italy and abroad. His work garnered recognition from influential figures like Vittorio Sgarbi, who selected one of his pieces for a significant exhibition. His influence on the art world continued to grow, and he participated in renowned events such as the Venice Biennale, further solidifying his place in the pantheon of contemporary Italian artists.

In 2017, a significant exhibition at the National Museum of Medieval and Modern Art in Matera, curated by Marta Ragozzino, showcased his work under the theme "Scherzetto." The exhibition catalog, named after the event, was edited by Tommaso Evangelista.

In the years that followed, Ventura, in his quiet and focused atelier, painted tirelessly into the late hours of the evening. His subjects were often inspired by the countryside, captured in photographs that would become valuable sources of inspiration for his work.

Ventura was a reserved artist who shunned trends and sought to create art that was deeply personal and meaningful. He maintained enduring friendships with fellow artists, such as sculptor Vito Maiullari and photographer Claudio Abate.

See more from Domenico Ventura

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