Jim (2021) Painting by Rémy Demestre

Acrylic on Canvas, 8.7x6.3 in
Price: Free Shipping

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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
This artwork is framed
Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Acrylic on Canvas
  • Dimensions 11x8.7 in
    Dimensions of the work alone, without framing: Height 8.7in, Width 6.3in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is framed (Floating Frame)
  • Categories Paintings under $500 Figurative Geometric
Membre de la famille bonhométrique. La famille bonhommétrique est une série de personnage inventé et réalisé par l'artiste Rémy Demestre à partir de ses formes utilisées dans ses abstractions. Ces petits personnages sont généralement non genrés, intemporels avec une personnalité unique.
Membre de la famille bonhométrique.

La famille bonhommétrique est une série de personnage inventé et réalisé par l'artiste Rémy Demestre à partir de ses formes utilisées dans ses abstractions.

Ces petits personnages sont généralement non genrés, intemporels avec une personnalité unique.

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Automatically translated
Rémy Demestre was born in 1990 in[...]

Rémy Demestre was born in 1990 in Jonzac, located in the picturesque region of Charente Maritime, France. Growing up surrounded by the serene landscapes of his hometown, Demestre developed a keen interest in art from an early age. It was evident that he possessed a natural talent and a unique perspective that would later define his artistic journey.

From the outset, Demestre found himself drawn to the mesmerizing world of geometry, recognizing its potential to convey a sense of psychological equilibrium. Influenced by visionary artists such as Vasily Kandinsky and Joan Miró, Demestre embarked on a quest to explore the intersection of abstraction and geometric figuration.

Blending elements of both realms, Demestre crafted a distinct artistic universe characterized by refined compositions and vibrant colors. His works pulsate with a positive energy, each stroke of the brush or chisel imbued with intention and purpose.

Central to Demestre's artistic ethos is the belief that geometry holds the key to unlocking boundless creative possibilities. His compositions, often adorned with triangles, circles, and squares, serve as a testament to this philosophy. Yet, amidst the structured precision, there exists a sense of spontaneity as free-form shapes meander across the canvas or sculpture.

For Demestre, each artwork is a reflection of his innermost thoughts and emotions, a manifestation of his personal journey through the realm of geometry. Through a meticulous interplay of lines, curves, and shapes, he invites viewers to contemplate the enigmatic beauty of existence.

Beyond the aesthetic allure of his creations lies a deeper psychological dimension. Demestre imbues his works with subtle humor, infusing them with a rebellious spirit reminiscent of punk culture. As a self-taught artist, he refuses to be constrained by conventional norms, embracing creative freedom as his guiding principle.

The evolution of Demestre's palette mirrors the ever-shifting landscape of his psyche, with colors oscillating between serenity and intensity. Each brushstroke is a testament to his unwavering commitment to authenticity and self-expression.

While his artworks exude a decorative charm, they also serve as a conduit for introspection and self-discovery. Through his masterful manipulation of geometric forms, Demestre transcends mere representation, offering viewers a glimpse into the depths of his soul.

In the end, Demestre's art is not merely about shapes and colors but about capturing the essence of human experience. It is a testament to the boundless potential of the creative spirit and a celebration of the intricate tapestry of existence.

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