PEAK (2022) Painting by Delphine Bernard

Acrylic on Canvas, 37.4x20.9 in
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Seller Delphine Bernard

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Max resolution: 2068 x 3654 px
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Artists get paid their royalties for each sales

Seller Delphine Bernard

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
This artwork appears in 1 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Acrylic on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 37.4in, Width 20.9in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000 Abstract
PEAK is an abstract painting featuring a palette of blue, green, white, and cream colors, with subdued tones that evoke a sense of calm and serenity. It evokes snow-capped mountain peaks as a serene and meditative space, imbuing the artwork with light and spirituality. The composition of the painting centers around a large dark[...]
PEAK is an abstract painting featuring a palette of blue, green, white, and cream colors, with subdued tones that evoke a sense of calm and serenity.
It evokes snow-capped mountain peaks as a serene and meditative space, imbuing the artwork with light and spirituality.

The composition of the painting centers around a large dark blue circular stroke, which serves as the focal point and draws the viewer's eye upward. This upward movement is symbolic of the spiritual ascent that the mountain peaks represent, and the circular shape suggests a sense of wholeness and completion.

The use of muted tones in the painting contributes to the overall sense of tranquility and introspection, allowing the viewer to become fully immersed in the meditative space created by the artwork.
The combination of colors and composition work together to evoke a sense of awe and wonder, encouraging the viewer to contemplate the beauty and majesty of the natural world.

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As an abstract expressionist painter with 20 years of experience, my work is deeply rooted in my spiritual and cultural influences. I was first inspired by the gestural and philosophical approach of French[...]

As an abstract expressionist painter with 20 years of experience, my work is deeply rooted in my spiritual and cultural influences. I was first inspired by the gestural and philosophical approach of French Abstract Lyrical painter Georges Mathieu, then I explored my own ways, infused by my practice of Buddhist meditation and shamanic explorations.My love for Chinese and Japanese calligraphy often shines through my art, as well as the 15 years I have lived in Singapore, as it has deepened my love and respect for Asian traditional cultures.My process is driven by intuition and emotion, allowing the canvas to guide me as I layer and blend vibrant hues to create dynamic and energetic compositions.I do not let a specific concept cloud my mind before I begin painting, instead I allow the process of painting itself to guide the final outcome, embracing the unpredictability and freedom of the abstract form.
This painting process is organic and grounded, with a focus on creating a fast and intuitive flow of energy and emotion through the use of acrylic paint, painting knives, and foam rollers. I strive to capture the essence of the very moment, creating bold, spontaneous and expressive pieces that allow for a deep connection between the viewer and the painting.The fusion of my spiritual practice, cultural influences, and energetic painting style results in abstract works that embody movement and emotion. Through the gestural lines and fluid forms in my paintings, I hope to convey a sense of connection to the universal language of the soul.

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