Ethereal Glow (2024) Arte digital por Davina Dugnas

Arte digital, 23,6x23,6 in
1.764,69 US$
Precio: Envío gratis

Opiniones de clientes (9)
Enviado desde: Reino Unido (Embalaje de caja o cartón)
Satisfecho o reembolsado dentro de 14 días
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Transacción 100% segura
Devoluciones gratis
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Devoluciones gratis: Satisfecho o reembolsado dentro de 14 días.
Se aceptan devoluciones 14 días Artmajeur está 100% comprometido con la satisfacción de los coleccionistas: tiene 14 días para devolver un trabajo original. El trabajo debe ser devuelto al artista en perfecto estado, en su embalaje original. Todos los artículos elegibles pueden ser devueltos (a menos que se indique lo contrario).
Licencia digital

Esta imagen está disponible para descargar con una licencia

34,41 US$
132,20 US$
275,42 US$
Resolución máxima: 3464 x 3464 px
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Vendedor Davina Dugnas

Trabajo único
Obra de arte firmada por el artista
Certificado de autenticidad incluido
Listo para colgar
Montado en Bastidor de camilla de madera
In the realm of digital artistry, I embark on a captivating journey, giving birth to a masterpiece that transcends the boundaries of conventional painting. With a symphony of vibrant hues and intricate brushstrokes, I weave a tapestry of emotions and imagination. The canvas, an ethereal expanse of pixels, becomes a vibrant canvas upon which I dance,[...]
In the realm of digital artistry, I embark on a captivating journey, giving birth to a masterpiece that transcends the boundaries of conventional painting. With a symphony of vibrant hues and intricate brushstrokes, I weave a tapestry of emotions and imagination. The canvas, an ethereal expanse of pixels, becomes a vibrant canvas upon which I dance, infusing each stroke with my heart and soul. The soft glow of neon lights illuminates the scene, casting an otherworldly aura upon the subjects.

I meticulously craft each element, from the delicate contours of the human form to the intricate details of the surrounding environment. The interplay of light and shadow creates a sense of depth and dimension, drawing the viewer into the heart of the painting. Through a symphony of colors, I evoke a kaleidoscope of emotions, ranging from tranquility to exhilaration. The ethereal glow of the digital realm adds an element of enchantment, inviting the viewer to explore the hidden depths of their own imagination.

This digital painting is not merely a representation of reality; it is a window into a world that exists beyond the confines of the physical. It is a testament to the boundless possibilities of digital art, where creativity knows no limits. With this creation, I invite you on an extraordinary voyage where the boundaries between reality and imagination blur, and the digital realm becomes a canvas for dreams to take flight.

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Stunning VisualsNew MediaLuxury ArtStunning PortraitsLuxury Art Decor

Traducido automáticamente
Davina Dugnas experiments with a world of colours. She uses colours, lines, textures and patterns inspired by places, objects and nature. Dugnas visualises ideas, feels emotions and relocates them into the[...]

Davina Dugnas experiments with a world of colours. She uses colours, lines, textures and patterns inspired by places, objects and nature. Dugnas visualises ideas, feels emotions and relocates them into the canvas by mixing contemporary digital and abstract art. In this way, her ideas and emotions move to a new place, have a new home and take on new visualisations and forms to tell new stories. Her ideas and emotions are told poetically in a very beautiful and sensitive way. Dugnas's art is in fact a silent poem: her textures and patterns become her metrics and rhymes, colours and lines her content. Her ideas and emotions are, thus, told in a multitude of aesthetic relationships that bring the visual sign to encounter what is the eye of the viewer. "My believe is that creativity sparkle lies from within, expressing one's true mind and soul", says Dugnas. So, her creativity undresses in front of the canvas; it becomes the necessary means to express her inner mind and soul which, now nude and without veils, are shared with the world, wishing to be able to give something for everyone. Artist Statement/Events I am a Scotland based artist. I have always been creative as a child. My journey began before I was one, when I took my first brush and started painting using watercolours. Paper and watercolours were always lying around, and I always sketched and doodled on scraps of newspapers. “Aldila”, virtual live exhibition-show at M.A.D.S. Milan, Italy —Fuertevendura, Canary Islands 22nd-31st October 2021. Featuring on M.A.D.S. website best selected artworks from October 2021. “Hysteria”, virtual live exhibition-show at M.A.D.S. Milan, Italy- Fuertevendura, Canary Islands 19-30th November 2021. World Of Crete | Kreta Event | Greece VIFAF Virtual International Fine Art Fair. December 11th until December 18th 2021. “Spring” online art show at Personal Land April - June 2022 represents 100’artists from 22 countries Aestetica magazine, U.K., featuring online artist with 8 works including physical copy April-May 2022

Ver más de Davina Dugnas

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Arte digital | 42,1x42,1 in
7.605,66 US$
Arte digital | 42,1x42,1 in
4.664,94 US$
Arte digital | 42,1x42,1 in
7.605,66 US$
Arte digital | 23,6x23,6 in
3.381,89 US$


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