Predator and Prey (2024) 彫刻 David Goecke によって

彫刻 - ウッド, 10x3.5 in
プライス: 送料無料

販売者 David Goecke
発送元: アメリカ合衆国 (ボックスまたはカートンのパッケージ) 2日内で発送
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最大解像度: 3024 x 4032 px

販売者 David Goecke

  • オリジナルのアートワーク (One Of A Kind) 彫刻, ウッドの ウッド
  • 寸法 高さ 10in, 幅 3.5in / 1.00 lb
  • アートワークの状態 アートワークは完璧な状態です
  • 屋外に適しています? ノー, この作品は屋外では表示できません
  • カテゴリ 彫刻 $500未満 実例 動物
The balance of predator and prey is essential in nature, in environments across the globe. In this piece I've burning my observations of my local predators and prey into a salvaged piece of wood. Four sides, depicting a fox, a squirrel, a hawk, and a rabbit.Hand marked with a pyrography pen and seal with oil and wax.
The balance of predator and prey is essential in nature, in environments across the globe. In this piece I've burning my observations of my local predators and prey into a salvaged piece of wood. Four sides, depicting a fox, a squirrel, a hawk, and a rabbit.Hand marked with a pyrography pen and seal with oil and wax.



   From early childhood, David has had a fascination with creating art and making creative use of discarded things. His early days were about drawing and painting, moving into photography, modeling miniatures,[...]

   From early childhood, David has had a fascination with creating art and making creative use of discarded things. His early days were about drawing and painting, moving into photography, modeling miniatures, and woodcarving, a craft dear to him that connects him to the father he lost as a teen. In more recent years he joined the welding trade and applied his professional skills in his art and creative process.
Today David creates art primarily with scrap metal, reclaimed and natural wood, and other found objects. His inspiration comes from bringing new life to the discarded and observing the beauty of decay in both the natural and manmade.
   Story drives David’s imagination. His father was a glib tongued story teller, and his mother read the works of Roald Dahl and Laura Ingalls Wilder aloud to him. Today he loves to read and write. In his representational art, David brings that sense of story and character to the figures and animals represented.

David Goeckeからもっと見る

彫刻 - ウッド | 24x18 in
彫刻 - ステンレス鋼 | 9x9 in
彫刻 - 金属 | 12x12 in
彫刻 - ステンレス鋼 | 9x9 in

