Sauve qui peut ! (2023) Photography by Dav

Photography, 15.8x23.6 in
Price: Free Shipping
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Seller Dav
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Max resolution: 5626 x 3745 px
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Seller Dav

Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 4 collections
About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Digital Photography Techniques for obtaining a photograph by using an electronic sensor as a photosensitive[...]

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Dav, born in 1979, is a passionate and eclectic photographer, always[...]

Dav, born in 1979, is a passionate and eclectic photographer, always looking for new visual discoveries through diverse spaces and environments. His artistic approach is marked by a wide diversity of styles and subjects, ranging from street photography to architectural exploration, from minimalism to landscape beauty, and much more.

His photographic career began on film, where he became familiar with the black and white printing process, before transitioning to digital photography more recently. This evolution allowed him to explore new possibilities and push the limits of his creativity.

Dav is a keen observer of his surroundings, constantly searching for graphic compositions, intriguing looks and captivating textures. It excels at capturing snapshots, whether in close proximity to everyday life or in more abstract, nocturnal scenes.

His photographic work is a reflection of his artistic instinct, a visual journey that has led him to explore a multitude of styles and techniques. With every click of the shutter, Dav seeks to capture the beauty and essence of his surroundings, while leaving a unique personal imprint in each of his works.

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Photography | 15.8x23.6 in
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