Before bedtime (2021) Pintura por Daria Terentyeva

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Vendedor Artex Awards Gallery

  • Obra de arte original (One Of A Kind) Pintura, Pastel en Papel
  • Dimensiones Altura 19,7in, Anchura 25,6in
  • Enmarcado Esta obra de arte no está enmarcada.
  • Categorías Figurativo Culturas de mundo
Терентьева Дарья Владимировна (Россия). Почетный член Академии. Отделение: Графика Художник. Лауреат международного конкурса “ИСКУССТВО. СОВЕРШЕНСТВО. ПРИЗНАНИЕ”. Terentyeva Daria (Russia). Honorary Members of the International Academy of Contemporary Arts. Department: Graphics. The artist. Winners of the international competition “ART. EXCELLENCE.[...]
Терентьева Дарья Владимировна (Россия). Почетный член Академии. Отделение: Графика Художник. Лауреат международного конкурса “ИСКУССТВО. СОВЕРШЕНСТВО. ПРИЗНАНИЕ”. Terentyeva Daria (Russia). Honorary Members of the International Academy of Contemporary Arts. Department: Graphics. The artist. Winners of the international competition “ART. EXCELLENCE. AWARDS”.

Temas relacionados

Academy Of Contemporary ArtsАкадемия Современных ИскусствArt Excellence Awards

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Artista representado por Artex Awards Gallery
Terentyeva Daria (Russia). Honorary Members of the International Academy of Contemporary Arts. Department: Graphics. The artist. Winners of the international competition “ART. EXCELLENCE. AWARDS”. [...]

Terentyeva Daria (Russia). Honorary Members of the International Academy of Contemporary Arts. Department: Graphics. The artist. Winners of the international competition “ART. EXCELLENCE. AWARDS”.

Ver más de Daria Terentyeva

Ver todas las obras
Arena en Papel | 31,5x39,4 in
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Arena en Papel
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Pastel en Papel | 19,7x25,6 in
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Arena en Papel | 19,7x15,8 in
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