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Daria Doubovik

Tbilisi, Georgia
Artist (Drawing)
Born 1987
I like capturing a state of mind and conveying it through art

Belarusian artist currently living and working in Tbilisi, Georgia. I am an artist with a theater background . As soon as that kind of creative work was usually connected with some frames now I  really enjoy also the freedom of my new passion do draw spontaneously what I have in my mind . That process helps me a lot to go through my life expiriences with their mixed emotions and feelings. It has a connection with my current communication with life around and mostly inside if me, even while it looks like simple lonely rabbit with an upset little flower. My inspiration comes from everything what I meet on my way - some Tbilisian chaos mixed with admiring new shapes of letters which I see around me,  falling in love and the weird way to break up, sounds of mouses in our rented house , sounds of trains  passing  above us at night and for sure the shape of the crack that goes through the ceiling and the walls of my tiny room wall

Discover contemporary artworks by Daria Doubovik, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: georgian contemporary artists. Artistic domains: Drawing. Account type: Artist , member since 2024 (Country of origin Belarus). Buy Daria Doubovik's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Daria Doubovik. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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