Joyful night (2022) Painting by Coralie Huon

Acrylic on Canvas, 27.6x19.7 in
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Seller Coralie Huon

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Max resolution: 886 x 1254 px
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Artists get paid their royalties for each sales

Seller Coralie Huon

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
This artwork appears in 4 collections
This painting is part of the series "Into the night", which explores the theme of nighttime landscapes as a journey into one's own darkness. A path into finding the way through depth and intensity to find the light and integrate both of them in full acceptance and balance. A reflection of the human meandrous life path. Joyful[...]
This painting is part of the series "Into the night", which explores the theme of nighttime landscapes as a journey into one's own darkness. A path into finding the way through depth and intensity to find the light and integrate both of them in full acceptance and balance. A reflection of the human meandrous life path.

Joyful night

From the belly of inky skies
will descend a flash of light
a generous sprinkle of joy
the one that you stopped hoping for
the one that will overflow you gentle soul
with the vital force that was once thought lost

Taste the delicious expansion of the heart
Until the hungry night takes over once again

Related themes

MountainSnowNight SkyStarry NightPurple

Coralie Huon is a contemporary French artist. Her passion for storytelling is at the heart of her creative endeavors, leading her to explore a diverse array of mediums and scales.[...]

Coralie Huon is a contemporary French artist. Her passion for storytelling is at the heart of her creative endeavors, leading her to explore a diverse array of mediums and scales. From the realms of painting, drawing, and printmaking to the grandeur of murals and the innovation of digital illustrations, Coralie's artistic journey knows no bounds. Her work is marked by a desire to transform concepts and narratives into visually captivating experiences, often achieved through collaborative efforts that amplify her creative vision.

Guided by her deep-rooted love for the great outdoors, Coralie finds herself most at home amidst the awe-inspiring landscapes of the mountains. Here, nature's transformative power becomes both her muse and subject of exploration. Through her art, she delves into the intricate interplay between humanity and the elements, seeking to comprehend and convey the profound connection that binds us to the natural world.

In Coralie's creative journey, natural symbols serve as a poignant filter through which she navigates the intricate tapestry of the human experience. Her work is an embodiment of the profound desire to unearth life's deeper meanings and to forge a meaningful connection with the wonders of the world that surround us. Coralie Huon's art invites viewers to embark on a visual and introspective journey, where the beauty of nature and the complexity of human existence converge in captivating harmony.

See more from Coralie Huon

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