Reflections (2018) Painting by Constantin Roucault

Oil on Canvas, 23.6x31.5 in
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Seller Constantin Roucault

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Max resolution: 2756 x 2117 px
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Artists get paid their royalties for each sales

Seller Constantin Roucault

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 1 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Oil on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 23.6in, Width 31.5in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000 Figurative Men portraits
His eyes, although looking into a non-defined direction, convey a sense of contemplation and introspection. This gaze into the unknown hints at the complexity of the thoughts and emotions swirling within his mind. "Reflection" serves as a window into the human experience of self-reflection and emotional depth. It encourages viewers[...]
His eyes, although looking into a non-defined direction, convey a sense of contemplation and introspection. This gaze into the unknown hints at the complexity of the thoughts and emotions swirling within his mind.

"Reflection" serves as a window into the human experience of self-reflection and emotional depth. It encourages viewers to pause and contemplate their own thoughts, feelings, and connections to others.

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Constantin Roucault, a contemporary Swiss artist, draws inspiration from the cubist representation of urban and industrial subjects found in the works of American painters Charles[...]

Constantin Roucault, a contemporary Swiss artist, draws inspiration from the cubist representation of urban and industrial subjects found in the works of American painters Charles Sheeler, Charles Demuth, and, to some extent, Edward Hopper. This early influence propelled him towards embracing the artistic style.

The city and nature, in their myriad forms, have remained enduring sources of inspiration for Constantin throughout his artistic journey. His artworks navigate the intersection of figurative and graphic styles, oscillating between abstraction and realism.

Central to his creative process is the use of oil paint, a fundamental medium that brings his visions to life. In certain instances, Constantin incorporates diverse media and techniques, including acrylic, ink, charcoal, collage, and screen printing, to enhance the expressive depth of his creations. This versatile approach allows him to explore and push the boundaries of artistic representation, creating a body of work that resonates with both abstraction and the tangible reality of the subjects he portrays.

See more from Constantin Roucault

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Oil on Canvas | 14.5x16.1 in
Oil on Canvas | 16x13 in
Oil on Canvas | 16.7x16.1 in
Oil on Canvas | 27.4x40 in
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