Serie “ Fuggire fuggendo” Trasmutazione (2020) Painting by Claudio Marciano

Oil on Cardboard, 11x7.5 in
Price: Free Shipping

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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Oil on Cardboard
  • Dimensions Height 11in, Width 7.5in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000 Conceptual Art
la serie "fuggire fuggendo" vuole essere un lavoro d'indagine sociale/comportamentale, atto a manifestare il bisogno innato dell'uomo con le proprie diverse forme d'integrazione con l'ambiente e coloro che lo popolano. Le relazioni che emergono, rivelano profonde trasformazioni e mutamenti della sfera comportamentale/[...]
la serie "fuggire fuggendo" vuole essere un lavoro d'indagine sociale/comportamentale, atto a manifestare il bisogno innato dell'uomo con le proprie diverse forme d'integrazione con l'ambiente e coloro che lo popolano. Le relazioni che emergono, rivelano profonde trasformazioni e mutamenti della sfera comportamentale/ affettiva tuttavia, le relazioni tra i due sessi, non sono mai state tanto complicate quanto oggi. Nei miei lavori, l'uomo appare sorpreso, confuso a volte attonito, autoemarginato e parte lesa della società.

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Claudio Marciano is a contemporary Italian artist. Shortly after receiving his diploma from the "Macchiavello" Academy in Florence, he embarked on a role as[...]

Claudio Marciano is a contemporary Italian artist. Shortly after receiving his diploma from the "Macchiavello" Academy in Florence, he embarked on a role as the Regional Provveditore of the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence. In this position, he dedicated himself to organizing courses, educational and cultural exhibitions, as well as facilitating conferences. In those years, he was awarded a gold medal for artistic and organizational merits at the Hotel Cavalieri Hilton in Rome by the Hon. Spadolini and Colombo. In 1987 in Florida the Title HC of Doctor of Art of the University of Humanistic Students and of the School of Art History G. Morandi of Fidenza (PR). 

Claudio Marciano worked as a cutter and model designer, as a set designer for the Australian Ballet, as a window dresser, and as a painter-sculptor, exhibiting in numerous national and international exhibitions since 1975. In 1988 he went to Vallauris to learn ceramic techniques in the studio of Marius Musarra and Max Siffredi. Presently, he is engaged in a collaboration with the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Department of Social Affairs, where he is involved in crafting a series of covers featuring his own artworks.

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