Smithereens (2005) Painting by Claudio Boczon

Acrylic on Wood, 31.5x43.3 in
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Seller Claudio Boczon

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Seller Claudio Boczon

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
This artwork is framed
Mounted on Wood Panel
This artwork appears in 2 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Acrylic / Pigments / Monotype on Wood
  • Dimensions 32.3x44.1 in
    Dimensions of the work alone, without framing: Height 31.5in, Width 43.3in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is framed
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000 Abstract Abstract
From the series "Spoils of a Brancaleone" This series consists of works done on others that have lost the, say, "tram of history". A kind of self-sustainability in which all the materials used are reuse of supports, shavings and remains of works that, even changing its meaning, still retains some of its history.
From the series "Spoils of a Brancaleone"

This series consists of works done on others that have lost the, say, "tram of history". A kind of self-sustainability in which all the materials used are reuse of supports, shavings and remains of works that, even changing its meaning, still retains some of its history.

Monotype with glass on plywood. Framed on the edges with wood. Ready to hang.
Shipped in a cardboard box.
Accompanies Certificate of Authenticity.

Related themes

Pintura AbstrataContemporary ArtAbstract PaintingBrazilian ArtMonotype

Automatically translated
Claudio Boczon is a painter and photographer born on January 20, 1968 in Curitiba, Paraná, where he lives and works. He began his artistic and plastic research at the Painting Studio of the Alfredo Andersen[...]

Claudio Boczon is a painter and photographer born on January 20, 1968 in Curitiba, Paraná, where he lives and works. He began his artistic and plastic research at the Painting Studio of the Alfredo Andersen Museum, under the direction of Ronald Simon. He also attended painting, printmaking and photography workshops and internships with artists such as Leda Catunda, Dulce Osinski, Geraldo Leão, Eliane Prolik, Dudi Maia Rosa, Patrícia Canetti and Lya Uba.

Since 1999, he has participated in art fairs and collective and individual exhibitions winning five prizes in total. His most significant exhibitions have taken place at the Alfredo Andersen Museum, at the 5th National Art Fair of Goiás, at the 31st Art Fair of Ribeirão Preto...

Claudio Boczon's work focuses on a game of contrasts and physicality between layering and transparency, seeking to hide and reveal equally. This layering process aims to show the corporeity of the two-dimensional work, highlighting every mistake and every new direction taken, in order to remind us of the painting process.

What drives his research is the curiosity to find the beauty hidden in the everyday, in the supports and the pictorial material, and to bring it to the surface, so that the viewer questions and appreciates aspects to which he would not normally give attention. importance.

His research and production are strongly influenced by Tachisme and Arte Povera, as well as the recycling and reuse of materials, ideas and concepts. Often, by using his own older works, reconstructing them and creating new collages from them, he recycles both the physical element and the concepts underlying those works.

Claudio Boczon has works in institutional and private collections in Brazil and abroad, as well as critical texts published in exhibition catalogs. His work is characterized by great technical mastery and great poetic sensitivity, making him one of the most talented artists of his generation.

See more from Claudio Boczon

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Photography | Several sizes
On Request
Digital Arts | 17.7x23.6 in
Acrylic on Fabric | 19.7x27.6 in
Collages on Canvas | 15.8x15.8 in


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