Feuilles 21 (2023) Digital Arts by Claude Huré

Digital Arts, 11.7x8.3 in
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Max resolution: 2125 x 3000 px
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Seller Claude Huré

Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 1 collections
Le procédé consiste en une association complexe d’un fichier photo numérique avec un fond de pastel sec réalisé sur papier dessin. L’ensemble est travaillé méticuleusement grâce à un logiciel de traitement d’image. Le résultat final est ensuite imprimé sur un papier aquarelle. [...]
Le procédé consiste en une association complexe d’un fichier photo numérique avec un fond de pastel sec réalisé sur papier dessin. L’ensemble est travaillé méticuleusement grâce à un logiciel de traitement d’image.
Le résultat final est ensuite imprimé sur un papier aquarelle.

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Automatically translated
Claude Huré was born in 1948 in Paris. As a child, he wanted to be a walker thinking it was a job. He would later admit that he was very successful in this direction. Trained for three years at the French[...]

Claude Huré was born in 1948 in Paris. As a child, he wanted to be a walker thinking it was a job. He would later admit that he was very successful in this direction.
Trained for three years at the French Institute of Photography, he became an independent professional for companies, ministries or individuals, while exercising different professions in airlines. He travels a lot, for himself and as a volunteer photographer for an NGO, always prioritizing the richness of encounters over the miles traveled.

He participates in numerous individual and group exhibitions, in France and abroad, notably in Italy.
At the same time, he learned about drawing and painting by following workshops such as Visconti, la Grande Chaumière, and Beaux-Arts de Montparnasse.
Today he continues tirelessly to create images in a new living environment close to nature. Landscapes and plants inspire him for his research imbued with intimate reflections. A bit like Candide, after travels and adventures, the time comes for him to cultivate his inner garden.

See more from Claude Huré

View all artworks
Photography | 8.3x11.7 in
Digital Arts | 8.3x11.7 in
Digital Arts | 8.3x11.7 in
Digital Arts | 8.3x11.7 in


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