Je vous aime (2021) Digital Arts by Christine Vannier

Digital Arts, 16.5x15.8 in
Price: Free Shipping

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Max resolution: 828 x 850 px
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Seller Christine Vannier

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 3 collections
Peinture exécutée dans l'espace en réalité virtuelle. Visible en 2D. Dimensions variables sur demande. About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles 3D Modeling [...]
Peinture exécutée dans l'espace en réalité virtuelle. Visible en 2D. Dimensions variables sur demande.

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Automatically translated
Christine Vannier is an artist who seeks to give the freedom to get out of a routine through her creations by offering moments of soothing recreation in the stability of her works. She expresses herself in[...]

Christine Vannier is an artist who seeks to give the freedom to get out of a routine through her creations by offering moments of soothing recreation in the stability of her works. She expresses herself in her multidisciplinary art with an emotional relationship and an increased attention to the detail of the composition, from the large suspended canvases embellished with glass embroidery to the video projections of her digital creations, through the work of clay or iron. .

Her creative path is free and spontaneous, guided by the intelligence of the body and the momentum of movement. The game of abstraction expresses itself and is sometimes hidden in his figurative works. Each technique employed finds its full expression in one of these directions through emotions imbued with the present. His work, protean, goes out of the frame and escapes all definition in a transmedia approach in constant evolution.

Through virtual reality, her "dream machine", she sometimes moves away from the two-dimensionality of the canvas, proposing to accompany the spectator in the discovery of a new world made up of multiple metamorphoses and arabesques. His gesture, like an ode to freedom, is multiplied tenfold in the infinite space offered by virtual reality. Facing the work, the viewer is immersed in the positive and joyful universe of the artist.

Christine Vannier is a self-taught artist. Christine Vannier's first exhibition at the Casanova gallery of the Palais Royal in 1981 encouraged her to pursue painting while studying architecture, and she obtained a DPLG diploma in 1983.

She then chose to settle in Brittany to fulfill her desire to create by the sea. She spent her time alone in her studio, exposed to the elements. During this period, numerous exhibitions took place in Paris, Saint-Barthélémy, Shanghai and in the United States. She was able to exhibit in two galleries and become a certified Gay-Pride photographer after several trips to New York. She is now back in Brittany with a workshop conducive to new creations.

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Photography | Several sizes
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