"Luna" N°14 (2022) Drawing by Christine Serain (Suting Su Ting)

Charcoal on Paper, 11.6x15.8 in
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Seller Christine Serain (Suting Su Ting)

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
This artwork is framed
This artwork appears in 1 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Drawing, Charcoal on Paper
  • Dimensions 15.8x19.7 in
    Dimensions of the work alone, without framing: Height 11.6in, Width 15.8in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is framed (Frame + Under Glass)
  • Categories Drawings under $500 Figurative
About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Charcoal Drawing made with a branch of Willow or charcoal of charred Europe. It enables to obtain[...]

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Christine Serain 苏婷 is a contemporary French artist whose artistic journey began at the tender age of ten when she discovered brushes and the world of oil painting. Her initial[...]

Christine Serain 苏婷 is a contemporary French artist whose artistic journey began at the tender age of ten when she discovered brushes and the world of oil painting. Her initial creations revolved around landscapes, setting the foundation for a lifelong exploration of the interplay between emotion, human attitudes, and the natural world.

In a surrealistic phase spanning from 1985 to 1988, Christine, signing her works as Chrisraisen, delved into a world of dreams and abstraction. Her artistic evolution led her to pursue formal education at the École supérieure des Beaux Arts in Marseille, a pivotal step that shaped her artistic trajectory.

The 90s marked a significant chapter in Christine's artistic exploration as she embarked on a quest for 'emotional writing' rooted in human sentiment and attitudes. This exploration evolved into a distinctive calligraphic style, which she aptly termed 'emotional writing of the sensitive.' To deepen her understanding, Christine enrolled at East China University in Shanghai, immersing herself in the study of Mandarin. It was during her time in China that she received the name Su Ting 苏婷.

Returning to France in 1997 after a transformative journey across the Himalayas, including Yunnan, Tibet, Nepal, and India, Christine established her workshop amidst the serene landscapes of the Southern French Alps. Her artistic endeavors expanded to themes such as 'flowers and birds,' 'trees and rocks,' and 'cairns,' seamlessly blending with her return to the genre of 'landscapes.'

Christine's oeuvre, adorned with awards from New York to Shanghai, and via Monaco and Paris, reflects a profound connection with nature. Her recent works evoke a singular atmosphere, infused with poetry that beckons contemplation and prompts reflection on our human existence in relation to the environment and the passage of time.

See more from Christine Serain (Suting Su Ting)

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Watercolor on Other substrate | 3.2x3.2 in
Acrylic on Linen Canvas | 31.5x31.5 in
Charcoal on Paper | 11.6x15.8 in
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