Corset (2018) Painting by Christine Ranchoux Soleillant

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  1382 px  

1500 px
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Art image bank
  • Original Artwork Painting, Acrylic / Ink on Paper
  • Dimensions Height 11.4in, Width 8.3in
  • Categories Paintings under $500 Figurative
Jeune femme à la peinture acrylique, encre et fusain sur papier dessin format A4. About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Acrylic Paint[...]
Jeune femme à la peinture acrylique, encre et fusain sur papier dessin format A4.

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Auvergne painter, my favorite subjects are architecture, portraits and animals. I paint in oil, acrylic paint and love mixing with ink, charcoal and pastel. Until now I preferred to paint on paper than on canvas,[...]

Auvergne painter, my favorite subjects are architecture, portraits and animals. I paint in oil, acrylic paint and love mixing with ink, charcoal and pastel. Until now I preferred to paint on paper than on canvas, many told me that it was a shame so I started to paint more and more on canvas, except for the portraits for which I am more at home. comfortable on paper or cardboard.

Whether on canvas or on drawing paper, I am more comfortable on the small format which allows me to be more precise and to polish the details.

I am self-taught, I took a few lessons with a grandpa during my adolescence, he gave me the taste for a job well done but learning with him was not not easy: he tore up my painting when it was not to his liking, asking me to redo until he was satisfied. Of course I resented him but now I realize he did me a favor.

I was rocked by the arts from childhood, having a grandfather who made his own musical instruments, a musician mother. I am also a music teacher. I always paint in order to have background music, my favorite music being baroque music. Often she even inspires me colors and shapes, she accompanies me constantly.

Do not hesitate to contact me if you need any information whatsoever, I will be happy to answer you.

See more from Christine Ranchoux Soleillant

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Graphite on Paper | 7.9x11 in
Pastel on Paper | 8.3x11.4 in
Acrylic on Canvas | 15.8x19.7 in
Ink on Paper | 7.5x9.5 in


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