Il suffira d un signe (2023) Painting by Christine Barth Mroz

Acrylic on Canvas, 39.4x39.4 in
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Customer's reviews Excellent
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Seller Christine Barth Mroz

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Max resolution: 2899 x 2883 px
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Artists get paid their royalties for each sales

Seller Christine Barth Mroz

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Ready to hang
Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
This artwork appears in 6 collections
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Acrylic on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 39.4in, Width 39.4in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $5,000 Abstract Abstract
Des sous couches de matieres, de collage, de sable pour cette toile lumineuse, un besoin de douceur et peut être de mystère dans cette toile ou le blanc représente la couleur majeur, appliquée apres différentes couches de couleur Une transparence qui permet au regard de s arreter sur des details et de plonger dans la toile Une toile peinte[...]
Des sous couches de matieres, de collage, de sable pour cette toile lumineuse, un besoin de douceur et peut être de mystère dans cette toile ou le blanc représente la couleur majeur, appliquée apres différentes couches de couleur
Une transparence qui permet au regard de s arreter sur des details et de plonger dans la toile
Une toile peinte à meme le sol, de grands gestes amples , juste la main guidée par l émotion
Un verni satiné pour la proteger
Signature en bas à droite

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Christine Barth, a contemporary French painter, approaches her art as a dream of form, a poetic journey that unfolds in the realm of days that dream. Her creative process involves[...]

Christine Barth, a contemporary French painter, approaches her art as a dream of form, a poetic journey that unfolds in the realm of days that dream. Her creative process involves the sublime task of translating emotions into gestures, allowing them to saturate the canvas until they permeate its very grain. The central theme of her paintings is light, and in each artwork, she invites it to undulate, to meander, and to be transformed by shadows and reflections, adapting to the interplay of reliefs, materials, and colors.

For Christine, painting is a patient and evolving endeavor, where layers accumulate over days to create nuances and depth. Guided by emotion and a penchant for play, her hand executes spontaneous gestures, giving way to the raw authenticity of the moment. All canvases are meticulously mounted on wooden frames, varnished, and adorned with her signature.

Despite being self-taught, Christine Barth has been fortunate to explore the world of painting since a young age. Her early canvases were diverse, featuring silk, wood, and furniture. Eventually, she gravitated towards larger canvases, a preference she has embraced for the past two decades.

Christine's artistic journey is a testament to her dedication to the interplay of emotion, spontaneity, and the transformative power of light on canvas. Each painting is a unique manifestation of her self-taught expertise, allowing viewers to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of her dreamlike visions.

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