In the Meadow (2022) Painting by Christina Bug

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  1183 px  

1500 px
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Art image bank
  • Original Artwork (One Of A Kind) Painting, Acrylic on Canvas
  • Dimensions Height 16in, Width 20in
  • Artwork's condition The artwork is in perfect condition
  • Framing This artwork is not framed
  • Categories Paintings under $500 Abstract Flower
I wanted to paint some dandelions using the straw method. I was inspired by my front garden, picking different flowers to bring inside to paint. The painting started using just a pallet knife and a straw. Some more detailed plants were painted as more layers were added into the foreground. I have used a mixture of metallic and matte acrylic paints.[...]
I wanted to paint some dandelions using the straw method. I was inspired by my front garden, picking different flowers to bring inside to paint. The painting started using just a pallet knife and a straw. Some more detailed plants were painted as more layers were added into the foreground. I have used a mixture of metallic and matte acrylic paints.

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Christina is best known for painting in acrylics and creating mixed media artworks on canvas, in bold striking designs. Some mixed media works are 3 dimensional and include a variety of materials including[...]

Christina is best known for painting in acrylics and creating mixed media artworks on canvas, in bold striking designs. Some mixed media works are 3 dimensional and include a variety of materials including sand, foil, resin, gesso, glitter, feathers, gravel, shells and recycled packaging or maps. Key themes in her artwork include; nature, diversity, additional needs and wellbeing. She is inspired by her garden and what she sees in the local environment. Christina likes to experiment with different ways of mark making, beyond using a paintbrush. She is forever exploring different materials and techniques to create unique expressionistic, semi-abstract pieces which reflect a need for diversity and individuality in the world. Christina grew up on a farm in a small hamlet in Suffolk. She has always enjoyed being creative from a young age, cooking, drawing and playing the violin as a child. Christina has many years of experience caring for those with disabilities. Some of her work has a link to the autism spectrum. Future projects will have a strong focus on her local area, awareness of learning difficulties and problems relating to dietary needs of those who have allergies or sensory processing difficulties.

See more from Christina Bug

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Acrylic on Canvas | 7.9x7.9 in
Acrylic on Canvas | 12x12 in
Not For Sale
Acrylic on Canvas | 11.7x8.3 in
Not For Sale
Acrylic on Canvas | 7.9x7.9 in
Not For Sale


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