Going up (2023) Painting by Christian Van Hedel

Acrylic on Canvas, 35.4x35.4 in
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Customer's reviews Excellent
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Seller Christian Van Hedel

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 6 collections
Going up is a nice thoughtful painting. An abstract modern painting with a touch of urban and pop art. It symbolizes our human purpose. The progress. Positiveness is like moving up. His work is also very famous for the contrasts as you can see. Contrasts in shapes, use of color and compositions. Acrylic,spray paint and markers[...]
Going up is a nice thoughtful painting. An abstract modern painting with a touch of urban and pop art. It symbolizes our human purpose. The progress. Positiveness is like moving up.

His work is also very famous for the contrasts as you can see. Contrasts in shapes, use of color and compositions.

Acrylic,spray paint and markers on linen.

Size: 90 x 90 cm

The painting will be shipped insured in a sturdy cardboard tube. If desired, the painting can also be sent stretched, please contact the artist Christian van Hedel.

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Christian van Hedel, a contemporary Dutch visual artist, has dedicated over two decades to the creation of non-figurative abstract art. Starting as a self-taught artist, Christian's[...]

Christian van Hedel, a contemporary Dutch visual artist, has dedicated over two decades to the creation of non-figurative abstract art. Starting as a self-taught artist, Christian's passion for the craft led him to pursue the fine art course at the Utrecht School of the Arts (HKU) after exploring various workshops.

Christian's artwork, characterized by its non-figurative abstract nature, has been showcased at numerous art fairs and exhibitions across the globe, including the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Denmark, France, Italy, China, and New York. His international presence is further accentuated by several public awards that recognize his artistic excellence. The global appeal of his works has translated into sales worldwide, with his pieces becoming part of private collections and even finding a permanent place in a museum in China.

In 2017, Christian embarked on a new artistic venture titled "Fiction Elements," a series of vibrant, wall-filling paintings. Drawing inspiration from the natural and essential spiritual energies of daily life, these works explore the interplay of conscious and unconscious elements. Opaque and transparent spots, lines, shapes, and forms are meticulously rendered on canvas or wooden panels. The predominant contrasts of dark and light, colors and black and white contribute to the dynamic visual impact of the pieces.

The precise definition of forms is achieved through the idiosyncratic use of paintbrushes or palette knives, creating a balance between structured elements and abstract compositions. The incorporation of black lines lends the artworks an abstract, comic-like quality, evoking a sense of street art or urban art. Christian's creations in the "Fiction Elements" series are visual compilations of experiences, dreams, and reflections, offering autobiographical images that extend beyond the purely visual.

Christian van Hedel's artistic philosophy goes beyond the surface, inviting viewers to delve into the deeper layers of observation. His work serves as both visual nourishment for the eye and intellectual stimulation for the mind, underscoring the belief that art is a multifaceted exploration that transcends mere aesthetics.

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