le magicien (2024) Painting by Catherine Saint Fontaine

Watercolor on Paper, 11.7x8.3 in
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Seller Catherine Saint Fontaine

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
peinture intuitive, les ombres se détachent et la scène est vivante... un magicien, un paon, un jeu... About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Watercolor [...]
peinture intuitive, les ombres se détachent et la scène est vivante... un magicien, un paon, un jeu...

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Catherine Saint Fontaine, a contemporary Swiss painter, embarked on her artistic journey in 1994, and her path has been a self-taught exploration of the realms of color and movement.[...]

Catherine Saint Fontaine, a contemporary Swiss painter, embarked on her artistic journey in 1994, and her path has been a self-taught exploration of the realms of color and movement. Alongside her artistic pursuits, she is a Feldenkrais practitioner, delving into awareness through movement, and has also been a tai chi teacher, bringing a deep understanding of energy circulation to her art.

Her journey has been marked by a commitment to quality, ease, and the pursuit of pleasure, all grounded in an awakening of perceptions. Influenced by her background in tai chi and aikido, Catherine's approach revolves around seeking the right movement—a philosophy that inevitably shapes her painting style.

Fascinated by calligraphy, Catherine finds a connection between the movement of the brush and the circulation of breath. Painting, for her, is a quest for beauty and the right movement, an essential path that weaves through the various stages of her life.

Since 2018, Catherine has been captivated by the enchanting Val d'Hérens, a source of inspiration that led her to depict its splendor throughout the four seasons. The success of her 2018 season paintings prompted her to establish a gallery space in Evolène, showcasing her art opposite the museum.

Catherine's technique is a reflection of the plenitude she finds in the natural landscapes she explores. While hiking, her eyes absorb the lights and colors, translating them into contemplative and essential watercolor paintings. Transparency, simplicity, and movement define her approach, as she seeks to convey emotions through her dancing brush.

In her watercolor workshops, Catherine invites participants to bridge the left brain-right brain divide. She encourages a harmonious blend of composition, drawing analysis, and perspective with the liberating exploration of shapes and "empty spaces." Through this approach, she imparts not just technique but a profound connection to the emotive essence of painting—a unique atmosphere imbued with gentleness and poetry.

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