Bredannaz, 11 novembre, 15h59 (2021) Photography by Camille R.

Fine art paper, 11x8 in

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  1125 px  

1500 px
Dimensions of the file (px) 1125x1500
Use worldwide Yes
Use on multi-support Yes
Use on any type of media Yes
Right of reselling No
Max number of prints 0 (Zero)
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Art image bank
  • This work is an "Open Edition" Photography, Giclée Print / Digital Print
  • Dimensions Several sizes available
  • Several supports available (Fine art paper, Metal Print, Canvas Print)
  • Framing Framing available (Floating Frame + Under Glass, Frame + Under Acrylic Glass)
  • Categories Expressionism Mountainscape
Le lac d'Annecy et ses montagnes vus depuis la rive de Bredannaz. About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Technic Photography [...]
Le lac d'Annecy et ses montagnes vus depuis la rive de Bredannaz.
Automatically translated
Camille Rouschmeyer est une artiste vivant en Haute-Savoie, près du lac d'Annecy. Elle pratique le dessin et la peinture, mais aussi la photographie. Ses oeuvres se reconnaissent à ses cadrages singuliers[...]

Camille Rouschmeyer est une artiste vivant en Haute-Savoie, près du lac d'Annecy. Elle pratique le dessin et la peinture, mais aussi la photographie. Ses oeuvres se reconnaissent à ses cadrages singuliers et à la simplicité de ses thèmes. Elle ne recherche pas les choses insolites, son regard captant l'extraordinaire sous l'apparence du banal. Ainsi, la nature est sa principale source d'inspiration, tout comme les petites scènes de la vie quotidienne, les attitudes humaines et celles des bêtes, sans oublier les maisons et les rues des villes et des villages. Fervente promeneuse, elle nous invite souvent à partager ses balades lors de journées particulières enchantées par le soleil ou la brume...

Camille Rouschmeyer is an artist living in Haute-Savoie, near Lake Annecy. She practices drawing and painting, but also photography. Her works are recognizable by her unique framing and the simplicity of her themes. She does not look for unusual things, her gaze capturing the extraordinary under the appearance of the banal. Thus, nature is her main source of inspiration, as well as the small scenes of daily life, human attitudes and those of animals, without forgetting the houses and streets of towns and villages. Fervent walker, she often invites us to share her walks on special days enchanted by the sun or the mist...

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Photography | Several sizes
from $35.45
Photography | Several sizes
from $35.45
Photography | Several sizes
from $35.45
Photography | Several sizes
from $35.45


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