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Bruce Johnson

Cazadero, California, United States
Artist (Sculpture)
Born unknown date
If we are lucky we remain in love and grow older. Through daily encounters with the intimate world around us our love deepens.

A sculptor dedicated to form with a craftsman’s respect for material

Sculptor Bruce Johnson grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, and studied art at the University of California, Davis in the sixties. For the last 40 years his prolific studio has been a large barn and a meadow in rural Sonoma County, overlooking the Pacific. Despite his rural location Johnson has found international recognition with large- scale sculpture in Italy, Spain and Taiwan as well as many private and public collections in the U.S.A.

Johnson often works with massive pieces of salvaged redwood, embellished with copper details. He describes his work as a cross between Shinto shrines and Stonehenge. From Stonehenge comes the primal sense of scale, mass and physical presence of his work, and from Shinto Shrines the elegant craft and exquisite detail of sacred architecture – including his elegant use of copper as scales to cap end grain and direct water, or to create copper boulders. Every copper or wood surface has a unique and deliberate texture.

Johnson is not only a sculptor, but a master builder as well. He has designed and built unique buildings, gardens, doors, gates, lanterns, playgrounds, fountains, grave markers, stage sets and furniture. Of special importance to him is his work on sacred buildings such as the Sea Ranch Chapel, the historic chapel at Fort Ross, a Moon Gate at the Asian Art Museum and especially the exquisitely beautiful “Poetry House.”

Discover contemporary artworks by Bruce Johnson, browse recent artworks and buy online. Categories: contemporary american artists. Artistic domains: Sculpture. Artist represented by SOLMALAGA. Account type: Artist , member since 2020 (Country of origin United States). Buy Bruce Johnson's latest works on Artmajeur: Discover great art by contemporary artist Bruce Johnson. Browse artworks, buy original art or high end prints.

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