Kallisté (2006) Painting by Brigitte Tarrats (Tarrats)

Acrylic on Canvas, 68.9x23.6 in
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One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 1 collections
Technique mixte et pigments sur toile _ Kallisté...la Belle ! L'ile qui surgit des abysses au royaume de Neptune au milieu de la Grande Mer... About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles
Technique mixte et pigments sur toile _

Kallisté...la Belle ! L'ile qui surgit des abysses au royaume de Neptune au milieu de la Grande Mer...

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Brigitte Tarrats, painter and photographer, follows an artistic approach deeply influenced by her journey at the confluence of Mediterranean cultures, born in Algiers and established in Bordeaux. Trained in[...]

Brigitte Tarrats, painter and photographer, follows an artistic approach deeply influenced by her journey at the confluence of Mediterranean cultures, born in Algiers and established in Bordeaux. Trained in visual arts, she develops an open and evolving style, exploring energy, light and ephemeral visual impressions.

Each painting by Brigitte Tarrats is an exploration where textured materials and prior energies intertwine, creating ruptures and reliefs that capture the power of elements and beings. She handles colors and lines with expressive gestures, finding the balance between controlled intention and spontaneity.

Shakespeare's quote from "Antony and Cleopatra" resonates deeply with his artistic practice, where forms are born from the formless, emerging fleetingly before merging again into matter and light. His works capture fleeting moments, roughness and plays of light, inviting the viewer to a contemplation where reality and illusion merge.

Brigitte Tarrats thus explores an artistic territory where visual poetry mixes with a deep reflection on perception and the fleeting beauty of our environment.

See more from Brigitte Tarrats (Tarrats)

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