Going Under (2021) コラージュ Brett Nickell によって

紙のコラージュ, 19x24 in
プライス: 送料無料

販売者 Brett Nickell
お客様のレビュー (5)
発送元: アメリカ合衆国 (ボックスまたはカートンのパッケージ) 2日内で発送
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"Going Under" features multiple narratives playing off one another, all of which relate back to the state of Florida. Coastlines disappearing under rising oceans, pre-European civilizations disappearing under white conquest, and the middle class disappearing under relentless greed and inequity. Oceans rise, empires fall in a never-ending[...]
"Going Under" features multiple narratives playing off one another, all of which relate back to the state of Florida. Coastlines disappearing under rising oceans, pre-European civilizations disappearing under white conquest, and the middle class disappearing under relentless greed and inequity. Oceans rise, empires fall in a never-ending cycle of history.


FloridaGlobal WarmingGreenContemporaryAbstract

Brett Nickell was a child prodigy in visual arts and remains largely self-taught. At a very early age, he began drawing and writing stories and incorporating perspective sooner than child development experts[...]

Brett Nickell was a child prodigy in visual arts and remains largely self-taught. At a very early age, he began drawing and writing stories and incorporating perspective sooner than child development experts deemed possible.  In his teen years, he scored in the 99 percentile in abstract visualization and began to look at art as a serious endeavor.

His professional life took him into graphic design where he began to explore using computer software to create fine art.  He was an early pioneer of using digital imaging in an artistic context.  Eventually, he found a preference for making art more directly with his own hands and began working with pastels and crayons.  He continued to experiment with various media until a multimedia approach was developed that incorporated collage, drawing, and painting.

He has been featured in dozens of personal exhibitions and has been awarded in several prestigious juried competitions in the United States.  His work is primarily dedicated to the exploration of unconscious themes and uses many classical surrealist techniques to reach and bring forward these ideas but in an updated and contemporary manner.

His current body of work is centered on the information age in which the overwhelming volume of published information (information pollution) is upcycled into art. A recurring theme in this series is dehumanization resulting from reckless advances in technology and the struggle to maintain a sense of well-being in an increasingly unstable world that seems bent on self-annihilation.

Brett Nickellからもっと見る

キャンバスのアクリル | 18x24 in
紙のグラファイト | 19x24 in
紙のコラージュ | 19x24 in
紙のコラージュ | 22.5x30 in

